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Frontline at Hypa Market


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We take our dog with us regularly to France and have always bought Frontline from the vet who signs certificates before our return to UK.

However, on our last visit we found exactly the same product in a Pharmacy in HypaU for 21 euros, 10 euros cheaper than vets price.  Our french vet is great and was happy to apply the one we supplied with no question and just charged us an admin fee.   Over 5-6 trips a year could save her ferry fare.


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You are lucky to have such a cooperative vet. I think that some might think it “a bit of a nerve”. Frontline is available most places that sell pet products (unlike in the UK). Certainly, my own vet is more expensive than the general outlets, but he tends to use the “combo” variant which is more expensive anyway and not so generally available (as it is more expensive). If one compares the price of a Frontline Combo 3 pack from my vet and from the cheap internet sites (online sales, then my vet is €2 more expensive (per 3 pack).


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I think that some might think it “a bit of a nerve”.

Not at all....  On our 1st appointment with this vet I showed him the packet of Frontline we'd bought from UK to be sure he used the same.

It was in fact him who suggested we use what we had with us.  Subsequently we bought from him as we'd assumed it was only available through vets. When we again took our own supply to him to use ,he never even questioned it.

Yes he is a great vet and is popular with many British in our area.


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I meant “some vet’s might think it was …” (not passing any opinions myself). Maybe a bit like taking your own wine to a restaurant because you can but it cheaper in a supermarket. Please don’t take my comments as any sort of “attitude” on my part. It might be that he has not realised you are buying elsewhere. When I’ve had my dogs treated for visits to UK, they always open a new pack and I have to buy the pack (being given the pipettes not used). If yours does the same he might be thinking you are bringing back the ones he gave you last time. Another aspect is the “admin fee” as when I have had “tick and tapeworm” done I only pay for the pills & Frontline. In fact, when I got my two their Pet Passports (at different times), I was charged nothing on either occasion. Last Christmas they were unsure about my UK dog’s UK rabies vaccination record (for his French PETS paperwork) and ended up on the phone for ages to the national veterinary service and I still paid nothing.

One thing I have found with my vets is that they are not strongly money orientated, or very friendly or very trusting or something as I went for about 6 months through one serious injury (visits twice a week for a month or more), a neutering, sets of vaccinations, blood test, etc. without paying anything. One day they did give me “the bill” and it was €21. I pointed out that they had probably missed off a few things and ended-up giving them a complete list which came to several hundred Euros. Every now and again they just don’t charge me for something e.g. last rabies vaccination they just turned round and said “gratis” (not forgetting to charge just giving it).

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