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Pet Passport


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Sorry if this has already been covered, the search is not working properly.

I have a dog in France which I would like to take to the UK. I have looked on the DEFRA.gov.uk website which tells me I have to give my dog a blood test, then six months after this test, my dog is free to travel.  The French vet tells me different (quelle surprise!).  My dog has already had the rabies shot (a couple of months ago).

So does anyone have any first hand knowledge/experience of a French dog going to Bllighty?



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Yes. I have a French pup (born end Jan 2004) and I returned to UK for Christmas Dec 2004 having gone through all the procedures.

I “cheated a bit” in that I asked the breeder to have the pup micro-chipped rather than tatoo’d (which helped but is not a big deal).

Basically the normal procedure is:

1. Micro chip dog

2. Rabies vaccination

2b. Many people give a 2nd rabies vaccination a month after the first as this increases the success rate for the blood test – but this is not required.

3. 1 month (or so) after the rabies vaccination, vet takes a blood sample and sends it to approved laboratory for analysis of rabies antibody levels. Basically this is checking that the dog has acquired immunity to rabies. If test is OK, continue to 4 below if not, re-vaccinate, re-blood test until a blood test passes. I believe most animals pass the blood test 1st time so its not a big problem

4. Once blood test OK, you need to wait 6 months from the date the successful blood sample was taken before you can enter the UK.

5. Between 24 and 48 hours of check-in with your transport company (to travel to UK) dog must be treated for ticks and tapeworms with approved treatments by a vet (recorded by vet in Pet Passport).

Provided the rabies vaccinations are kept up to date (the Pet Passport has a “Valid To” date for each rabies vaccination) then the blood test does not need to be repeated. However, miss (or late) rabies vaccination and blood test and 6 month wait must be repeated.

If you dog is tattooed and already vaccinated there are special case rules that allow the dog to be micro-chipped a bit later (check this with DEFRA and get the dog micro-chipped a.s.a.p. in the procedure as its much better to have as much of the paperwork as possible with the microchip number on rather than tattoo number).

Everything must be recorded in the animal’s Pet Passport. Procedures are totally inflexible. When travelling TO the UK, everything is always checked and everything strictly enforced. Travelling UK to France, things are not always checked and its much more relaxed.

This procedure is unique to entering the UK (plus a couple of other countries) and does not apply to movement between most European countries where no blood test, no 6 month wait, no tick & tapeworm treatment, etc. is required (just Pet Passport and rabies vaccination).

The above all applies to entering the UK without putting you dog into quarantine (which can still be done).

I have taken my dogs back and forward to/from UK several times (I have one UK dog and one French dog) and in practice it is not as difficult as it sounds provided the paperwork is right. I did once have my Pet Passports rejected (as the vet had made an error when they were initially issued) but fortunately my own vet (France) had issued me with the older French paperwork as well and that was accepted without problems. If your vet is not aware of the procedures, maybe try and find one who is.

If you have other questions, do ask (and double check with DEFRA as they set the rules and have a helpline, etc.).

Hope this helps


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[quote]Does the dog have to be an EU citizen to apply for a passport coz my dog was born in Australia?[/quote]

Don’t know though I doubt it very much (as Australia is included in the list of non EU countries the UK allows entry from under PETS http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/quarantine/pets/procedures/support-info/other.htm). However, if your dog has been in France for more than 3 months then you will have had him/her registered with the SCC anyway (so it probably would not be an issue).

Whilst I don’t know, I doubt it very much as the procedures to get the paperwork are based on vaccinating the dog, blood testing the dog, etc.. when I got my Pet Passport for my UK dog (though in France), I never showed anybody his registration papers (as he is not yet registered with the SCC after more than 3 months).

Check the micro-chip is of a type the UK can read (though I would think it almost certainly is).

I doubt there will be any issue, particularly once you have the Pet Passport. You could always give DEFRA a call (+44 (0)870 241 1710 (Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5pm UK time)).


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What's the SCC? 

My french dog is not with the  SCC, please tell me I don't have to register my dog with some silly french org!  None of my french buddies have their dogs registered with the SCC, if they have I am sure they would have mentioned it?


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