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Complete France Forum

Association SOS Chats Libres - Appeal

Ex Forum Admin

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Posting From France Direct:


We would like to make an appeal on behalf of the Association SOS Chats Libres an animal charity based in the Dordogne. The association was founded in 1993 in order to ensure the protection, survival and birth control of stray cats. The association is entirely voluntary and apart from the cost of sterilisation and tattooing everything else, printing, postage etc is paid for by the volunteers who run the association. In 2003 the association sterilized and tattooed 285 cats in 55 communes in the Dordogne, in 2004 the figure was 498 cats in 77 communes. The association is in danger of closing and desperately needs your support.


Although the association receives support from many veterinary surgeons in the region, the cost of sterilization etc is still very high. These costs are paid for by subscriptions from the association’s membership. The annual subscription is €8 euros per year and you can sponsor an animal for an annual subscription of €30 euros per year. If you can help with your time or money, please contact Lucie Maher by telephone on or by email: soschats@laposte.net


As a member of the association you can join their monthly general meetings. If you are looking to improve your French or want to become more involved in the community, this would be an ideal opportunity to do so. Please give what you can, because without your support the association faces certain closure and that would mean an awful lot of cats being put down for no good reason. We are doing our bit by sponsoring  a website for the association (www.soschatslibres.com) which will be online soon.

You can contact me at admin@francedirect.net or by phone on 05 53 07 17 75


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