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Non EU Country to France


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I have a 10 year old dog born and registered in the UK.  Evie has had all the relevant annual inoculations and boosters.  In 2003 she had her first rabies injection and blood test but we never had a pet passport.  2 years ago we moved to Turkey and all her boosters are upto date, but we have not had another blood test.  In December we are hoping to retire in France, and of course take Evie. 

All the information I have found refers to the movement of dogs within the EU.  Our problems are more complicated because her chip can not be read by any vet in our area of Turkey ( either non compatible reader or broken).  In addition the chip has moved and a few months ago became infected.  This may have to be removed.  Although I enjoy Turkey the standard of veterinary care falls well short of UK standards.

Defra could not help me and refered me to the french authorities but I can not find their DEFRA equivilent website.  Can any one help me with any contact email address', in English, or a vet in France who can help me, possibly in the Aquitane or Midi Pyrenees area.

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[quote]http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/animal/liveanimals/pets/index_en.htm Gives you the info you require It appears that you will need a rabies vacinne plus a blood test taken at least 3 months prior to y...[/quote]

Thank you for the website address, looks like Turkey is not classed as a 'third country'.  I have emailed them for more information.

Thank you again. 

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