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Darren, Vicky and Amelia

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I have found ourselves in a little mess. We rescued a stray when she arrived on our doorstep in Feb. Not wanting to add to the growing amount of unwated animals we took her to the vets in April, to be 'done' When we picked her up the vert told us, that 'she' was a 'he'!!!, and had already been done!

Feeling a little silly we collected the cat and made our way home. I have not been convinced about the vets response but as we have not had a cat before believed the vet, after all he is the expert!!

WELL, Friday morning I was alerted to a sound in the barn, and too my surpise found 2 kittens playing, later that afternonn another 2.  The vet has said he will now sterilise the cat for free but we now have to find a home for 4 kittens. The kittnes are living in the barn so will make a good barn cat, I am handling them so they will not be wild(how mum was when she arrived!!) I am unsure of age but the vet-hopefully he can do that, will tell me on Friday.

We have 2 black kittens and 2 tabbies. All are free to a good home, so if you know anyone who may be interested in these pretty little kittens, please contact me. Thanks

Sorry forgot to say, We are in DEPT 47 Nr Duras

Vicky Finlay

0553 2002 71


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Please check out any prospective owners, I have heard that snake owners often take free kittens as live food. Now I know that snakes have as much right to live and therefore eat as any other animal, but in the wild, "prey" does have some chance of escaping. To put/trap an animal in a glass tank with a hungry predator (just waiting for the inevitable to happen), seems to be one of the cruelest things that humans can possibly do to an animal.


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[quote]Please check out any prospective owners, I have heard that snake owners often take free kittens as live food. Now I know that snakes have as much right to live and therefore eat as any other animal, b...[/quote]

Yes I will and thanks for the advice, This is also one of the reasons, that I have decided to re-home them myself and not the vet for fear he will destroy them and although it was the vets fault that we now have 4 kittnes, it is NOT the kittens fault!


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Mummy cat has now been sterilised for free!! 1 tabby has been found a lovely home, BUT, we still need homes for the other 3. 1 tabby and 2 black. The vet says they are around 6 weeks old, so nearly ready to go.

PLEASE, will you please ask friends, and neighbours etc, to see if someone can give these little monsters a lovely home. At the moment they are in the house with us, to get them used to people, they are also using a litter tray, and so far, no accidents!!

I am happy to send pictures of them, and will also be happy to meet half way if distance is a problem.


Please help!

Email for pics at nostalgair@wanadoo.fr

Thanks for your help


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