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Rabies jab


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Since bringing my dog to France he has twice been unusually aggressive towards my husband and myself for no apparent reason.

The first occasion was 1 month after arrival in France and the 2nd almost 6 weeks later. Both times he has turned from a lovable cuddly dog into a mad dog growling and snarling at us.

I am wondering whether this could be some sort of side effect of the rabies jab and whether anyone else has experienced similar?

Also wonder whether anyone can tell me the name of the book advertised in the Telegraph pets column on dog behaviour?
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I have never heard of side effects from a rabies vaccination/booster (but that does not mean much – I’m not a vet, nor in that line of work). I would suggest you talk to your vet to double check.

Also, when you moved to France there will have been quite a few other changes to your dog’s life. Climate (?), smells, territory, etc. and changes in behaviour may be related to stress from these other factors. I would also expect your dog’s age, how long and how set a lifestyle pattern he/she had in the UK, how long he/she has been in France, has his/her diet changed (to e.g. French dog food), etc. may also have an impact.

If seeking behavioural advice in France I would offer one cautionary note. To an extent dog behaviour and training practice in France is probably behind current UK practice by quite a few years. Owners being “pack leader” and aspects of dominance are given great importance (a bit “Barbara Woodhouse” – just look at how readily available electric shock collars are in French shops). This is a massively sweeping statement and I am sure that it is unfair to many in France – just if you do contact anybody, check on their approach and methods.

There is a specialist dog forum http://www.scallywagsdogs.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi which might be able to offer some advice (and can certainly recommend dog behaviour books).


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Have you tried "The Dog Listener" by Jan Fennell?  VG for behavioural problems and you can get it 2ndH on Amazon. 

But the sudden changes in your dog's behaviour would seem more likely to be stress- or medical-related as suggested above.  Do go see a vet.

Does he have a "safe" place he can call his own in your new home? 

Good luck

Chrissie (81)

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I read a horrific story in today’s Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1527196,00.html?gusrc=rss) in which an RSPCA spokesperson suggested that hot weather can make a dog a bit more aggressive (as well as loads of other things).

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