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Pet passports ( not the normal questions)


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We will be moving back to England next year and in preperation we asked our vet here in France if we could get petpassports for our animals.  In response we were given the tick/flea treatment papers for the 24 hours before travel, but no passports. We were just wandering when they give out the actual passports? We just about understand all the other stuff its just this bit.  Everytime we mention the passports they just say 'yes'!

Hope someone can shed some light.



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We don't actually use a French vet but is should be pretty much the same as our German vet.

We had a booklet (size of a normal passport) suppplied by the vet which was recorded all injections.  When the new European passports were introduced and at our next injection visit the vet gave us the new booklet (still the size of a passport but this one is blue with the stars on it) and charges a nominal fee.

Your vet should have a supply of the booklets, he should be able to fill one in and give you it when you are there.

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Look on the DEFRA website and go through all the requirements you need to enter the UK.


These include;

Your animal having a micro chip.

Your animal having been vaccinated against rabies, being blood tested for rabies antibodies. At which point when this test is positive you can travel six months from the date that the animal had the blood test taken.

Your animal having a pet passport and perhaps the 'old' paperwork too.

 I would suggest that you keep all paper work with you concerning all the things you have done when travelling as sometimes vets have been known to make mistakes with passports.

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My French vets were very much the same (once they had the actual passports). They were not keen to issue the paperwork (passport booklets) until immediately before I needed them for travel (and they kept saying “yes” as well). They do not just issue blank documents (ever to anybody). What stage of the various “hurdles” are you at (e.g. microchipped, rabies vaccinated, boostered, blood tested, etc.).

Provided your pet(s) is (are) microchipped then the best time to get the paperwork might be at your next rabies booster/vaccination. Or maybe “spin a yarn” about visiting e.g. Spain (where you don’t need a blood test not tick & tapeworm yet do need a Pet Passport for). Blood test results, etc. can then be entered when completed, etc.


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Thanx for your replies!

One of our dogs and the cat has all the necessary jabs and blood tests for the pet passports, (we had it all done before we left England but our vet there didn't give us a passport.) Our puppy doesn't have anything done he has only just reached the age for the rabies jab. Thats why we will be going back next year.

Thanks for the help we can stop worrying that we will not get the passports then!



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