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Definition of "Permanent Residence"

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Sorry if this is a question that has been answered before - I have looked but can't find an earlier topic...

Just what is the definition of "Permanent Residence"?
Is it a building that someone permanently resides in or a building that is "Permanent" ie a stone structure and not a shed/cabin etc?

There appears to be many areas of "recreation only" land which prohibits the building of Permanent Residences - does this mean I could only put some moveable cabins on the land? (and obviously only use it for say 8 months a year), or could they be permanent structures as long as they are, once again, only used for a portion of a year?

May I stress that I'm NOT looking for a loophole to exploit - merely to clarify whether it is the building or the people staying in it which determine wheter or not it is a permanent residence.
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Unless I,m wrong Mal and I could well be, I think it,s the people staying it rather than the building itself..ie..does someone live in a particular house/building fulltime, is it their permanent home?( in other words not a holiday home )
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It's a phrase usually associated with where you live for tax purposes.
A UK tax return asks: "Are you claiming that you were not resident, or not ordinarily resident, or not domiciled, in the UK, or dual resident in the UK and another country, for all or part of the year?"
Further information might be found on www.inlandrevenue.gov.uk
or on their helpline 0845 9000 444

Good luck

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I totally agree with Coco that your problem relates to a planning matter. There can be a whole variety of "leisure" restrictions , and will vary from place to place.
However in most cases it will refer to the type of building and to a lesser extent to its use.
You will be normally be talking of temporary, hut, caravan type structures rather than a traditional building. This makes sense as otherwise people would build a hut and through time edge towards normal occupation.

You need to speak to the local planning authority whether it be the Mayor or the DDE.

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