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Selling a house in France without using an immobilier

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We are selling our house in the SW of France to move a bit higher so we can visit a lot more than we are able to.We have a couple who are interested in the purchase but with the fees etc are unable to meet the price that we are unable to drop from.We have made this contact through our own efforts and our immobiliers have not been used so there is no problem in having a private sale except that we are rather worried about doing this knowing how much the immobiliers actually do, sorting out the contracts, Notairs, taxes, etc etc. have any of you experienced contributors done this, how difficult is it, would you recommend it.It is one way that we could drop the price that they would have to pay without losing out ourselves.
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LAST EDITED ON 29-Jul-04 AT 04:50 PM (BST)

If you have a buyer already there is no reason at all why you could not do it as a private sale. It shouldn't affect you much, as seller, whether you use an agent or not. The only problem might be if you have signed an exclusivity agreement with an agency, but these are very uncommon indeed in France, or if the buyer was introduced through an agency or notaire in which case they will want their commission (but you indicate this wasn't the case).

It will as you say save money for the buyer, but the buyer won't get the sort of help he/she would expect from an agency, meaning they will have to sort out transfer of electricity, water etc to their names, sort out insurance, and find (and pay for) a translator.

You cannot avoid using a notaire (it's the law in France) for which the buyer pays. You, as seller, will have to arrange and pay for termite, asbestos, lead, drainage etc surveys as applicable. The notaire should be able to help you find somebody to carry these out.

You will also have to consider the capital gains tax implications of selling; again the notaire should advise you what your liability will be.

Will (50)
Forum moderator

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Just to add that a notaire generally adds a negotiating fee of 3-4% of the house price for drawing up a compromis and handling the sale. This is charged to the buyer, so people don't save as much as they think by buying through a notaire as there is still the extra charge. agents handle the compromis as part of their business and if you get a good agent, they can be a god send to both parties. We bought through a notaire and a second house through an agent and the agency experience was easier: no chasing the notaire, all services sorted etc. But the house through the notaire was cheaper. Not by much
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