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New fence

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I want to fence our land that borders the road, my neighbour tells me I must leave a 5m gap from the middle of the road to the fence, is that correct or can I just band it in along the edge?



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The people to contact are the local DDE because if you get it wrong they will come and take it down. There is a rule and I think it is two metres from the edge of the road but you best check. The 5M bit does not sound right, what if you lived next to a three lane motorway?
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Also, if you have a driveway entrance (do you?) you now have to make space for the car to pull off the road at the gates, so you see a kind of lay-by effect with the gates set back. 

As recommended above, DDE are the people to talk to, but I would always start at my mairie. My understanding was that any wall or fence had to be 1 metre from the edge of the road, but that sounds a bit wrong now that I've written it; what about in town where there's a wide footpath?? [8-)]  Outside my property there is a 2 metre verge between my wall and the road edge (no footpath or kerb).


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[quote user="sid"]

Also, if you have a driveway entrance (do you?) you now have to make space for the car to pull off the road at the gates, so you see a kind of lay-by effect with the gates set back.


I would do that anyway if you live on a road that is frequently used just for my safety. I think the two metre rule is also to help you get out. Means you can stick your nose out and see whats coming rather than have the front ripped off your car by a passing lorry or tractor.

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A Starter for ten



Toute personne désirant édifier ou modifier une clôture doit auparavant adresser une déclaration à la mairie de la commune dans laquelle la clôture est envisagée.


La clôture devra être implantée sur l'alignement (c'est-à-dire à la limite exacte du domaine public et de la propriété privée) ou en retrait. Il est indispensable de demander à la mairie un arrêté d'alignement, s'il s'agit d'une voie communale.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My new wall for which I have planning permission for,is right on the road edge and about 2mfrom the centre of the road passing it although it only serves a lotissement. You must apply for Declaration Préalable to construct anything and they will inform you of any further restrictions if they feel it refers to you.
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