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Pet health insurance


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Hi everyone,

Hope this enquiry doesn't contravene the forum advertising rules.  I received a bit of junk mail the other day from an animal health insurance company and sent off the coupon for more information which I have now received along with a follow-up 'phone call.  As I have mentioned before on this forum, my French is by no means fluent but from what I have been able to understand from the literature and the 'phone conversation with their representative their offer seems very reasonable.  Their rep. also assured me that it made no difference that my two dogs are giant breeds, the price remains the same for all breeds and so I am interested in taking out a policy.  Before I commit myself I would like to know if anybody has any experience with this company or if anyone can recommend an alternative.  The literature has a logo in several places as follows: Chiens Chats Protection Santé and that is the first line on the pre-paid envelope.  At the very end of the booklet is the following  company name:  H.D. assurances and the usual insurance co. stuff about associations, capital etc. 

Hope someone has tried them and have actually had payouts etc.


PS I have no connection whatsoever with this Company other than an interest in insuring against large vets bills.

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It might be a good idea to check with a local vet - to see if they have had any dealings with them.  Please let us know if you find anything out - we have 3 cats & want to get them insured as soon as we move over as PetPlan won't cover them anymore.


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