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DAP collars


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One of my U.S. friends suggested that I try this for Maggie.  It stands for Dog Appeasing Pheremone, and is the pheremone given off by lactating bitches, which supposedly has a calming effect on stressed out dogs.

My pharmacy put a rush order on one for me this morning, and I got it this afternoon.  I'm going to give it a try and see how it works.  My friend, Laura, says that it really helps her thunderphobic BC.  Our village fete just started this afternoon, and the buvette and bandstand are right outside our windows, so we're guaranteed four days of non-stop noise.  It should be a good test of any "calming" influence that the thing might have.

Still, I'd love to hear what experiences others might have had.


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Hi Possumgirl

Is it a DAP collar or one of the DAP plug in affairs??? If it's a collar, can you let me know where you got it from and cost etc please??? We have tried the dap plugins from the vet when we used to live in the UK, but they seemed to have little effect after the third plug in, so maybe a collar would have more effect. Now we are in the Charente Maritime and the thunder storms are greater, our poor little pooch has the terrors big time! So I am up for trying most things to help ease the stress for her as she is 12 yrs old, whilst avoiding the use of drugs etc.  So any info would be greatly appreciated[:)]

Many thanks


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Hi Kimberly.

I just went to our local pharmacy and told them what I was looking for.  They called their supplier and were able to get it in the same afternoon.  Otherwise, I know that Wanimo and a couple of the online boutiques sell them. It's supposed to be the same thing as in the plug-ins, but said to help when you're not at home. 

They come in two sizes, one for small dogs and one for large.  As with tick and flea collars, you can cut off the excess after fitting it to your dog's neck.  We paid 21€ for the large size. 

The village fair noises are going full blast and Maggie seems to have found a corner to lie in where she appears calm.  Of course, no firecrackers or thunderstorms yet, which will be the real test!


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