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Taking a dog to the UK


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What documentation is required on arrival in the uk for a dog?  Is the pet passport and French rabies certificate sufficient or do previous vaccination certificates, blood test results etc. need to be carried as well?

Would be grateful for any input.

Thanks, Flora.

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Normally nothing is checked on arrival in the UK – everything is checked by the ferry/travel company before you depart France (when you check-in).  I don’t know if they all do but Brittany Ferries fax appropriate paperwork through to DEFRA in the UK.

I’m sure that on occasions spot checks in the UK are made.


In theory (and according to regulations) all you need is your Pet Passport (correctly filled-in, showing continuous rabies vaccination record, blood test results (and 6 month wait), tick and tapeworm treatment, etc..  However, I always take the vaccination record (historical and current French rabies certificates), blood test results, etc. (basically everything) – just in case.  For me its not a lot to carry and if there were any problems or additional checks carrying a few extra bits of paper is a lot easier than potential delays.

Make sure everything is the passport is filled-in correctly as there is no “leeway”.  Make sure the vet enters the date and time the tick and tapeworm treatment was done (i.e. time is important as well).



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