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Fosse maintenance


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Signing the final contract for our house in September and need to think about property maintenance etc.
I found an article about fosse septiques which reads:
"WARNING - Holiday Homes:
Fosse Septique(s) do not like drying out. The bacteria that makes the whole system work will be severely restricted and the biodegradation process can stop entirely. One solution is to divert a down pipe from the gutter into the fosse septique."

It then goes on to say "Hopefully you will be holidaying during the summer when there is less rain". Which seems to suggest that too much rain is a problem.

I've read every posting on the forum about fosse septiques but have seen nothing about this.

Any ideas? Sad though it is, we may not be able to visit the house after September, for over six months, but would like to have working loos/drains on our visits.

Also ....... the house is about 50 yrs old, and we're told the fosse is empty but no idea how old it is. Would it have a filter thing? If anyone could give me guidelines on how to keep the fosse working and properly maintained, I'd be very grateful.
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I am sure others will respond but you could try using Septifos sachets, you need to cut these open and only put the contents down the loo or Harpic Septicaps down the loo without cutting them open. Supermarkets like E. LeClerc should have these or something similar. I know people that even use these in a fosse toutes l'eau. Are you sure that you have a fosse septique. A fosse of 3000 litres would take a long time to dry out I think but I am by no means an expert.........John in 79
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>"WARNING - Holiday Homes:
>Fosse Septique(s) do not like drying
>out. >
>50 yrs old, and we're
>told the fosse is empty
>but no idea how old
>it is.

I am curious about these two statements. I find it odd that the Fosse should dry out. It is a reasonably large chamber full of liquids and some solids with a close fitting lid. AFAIK the liquid will remain there for a very long time. Perhaps if you are in a hot climate it will tend to dry out but, I suspect, not much. Certainly not over the course of one winter. I am also puzzled as to why it should be empty. It should be full and when it reaches a certain level the liquid will drain away into a set of pipes laid underground for this purpose. Have you had a look? Are you sure it is a septic tank and not a 'fosse etanche', a large tank that is emptied periodically.

Assuming the thing is working corrrectly, when we had our place as a hoiday home we were recommended by several people, including plumbers, to put down 4 sachets of Eparcyl before leaving and 4 more on return. This followed by a weekly dose as normal. I do not think re-directing rain water is a good idea, I think it would tend to cause an overflow with huge deluges of water all at once.

Liz (29)
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  • 2 weeks later...

If it really is empty, then it should be no problem should it. You would have to fill it with water and put bugs in and start using it. Empty should mean empty and not the waste drying out in it.

Whatever system you have, you will have to make sure that the waste water from it can drain away properly though.

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