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springer spaniel (i think) free to good home


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hi everyone

i am posting this on behalf of a french neighbour.    

some months ago my neighbour took away a dog from another neighbour (with consent).   the situation was briefly as follows, before he came to live here, in his previous small town a dog which was starving kept coming to his house and raiding the bins.    he fed the dog a few times and made some enquires and found the owner.   it transpired that the woman claimed not to have sufficient money to feed the dog.    as my neighbour has many cats he felt he could not take the dog, but dropped off dog food every week to the womans house for several months.   then at end of last summer another neighbour came to see him and told him that the woman had gone on holiday for a couple of weeks and left the dog locked in the garage to starve.     my neighbour went around to the house, and eventually made the decision to break into the garage and take the dog out.       he left a note for the woman saying what he had done etc (and she knew who he was anyway of course from the dog food).     anyway the dog which i saw for the first time the next day was in a pitiful state, thin and almost hairless, covered in scratches and bites.   he was so badly infested with fleas that he had almost eaten himself alive trying to get rid of the irritation.      my neighbour sorted out the flea situation etc, and he is now a lovely little dog, and we often take him for a walk with our own dog, whom he absolutely adores.     anyway, on her return from holiday the woman did go to see my neighbour and said she was sorry but she could not have the dog anymore and would he take it.    he agreed but has always said that if, and when he finds a good master (as he puts it !) for the dog, he would be happier to let it go to  a home where the people are at home all day and have land for the dog to run.    his situation has now changed somewhat as he is getting divorced and because of his work spends some time away from home.     we will of course do what we can in regards to caring for the dog when neighbour has to be away, but i think he is now seriously looking for someone to take the dog.     the situation is not by any means desperate, as he has no intention of abandoning the dog or taking it to a pound, but he really would like to find a nice loving home for him.

anyway sorry to ramble so much, but i thought it might be worth posting here just to see if anyon is interested.     a few details about dog.   i believe him to be a springer spaniel and he is around 5 to 6 years old.    when he was first taken away from the garage he had a habit of running away, but now he doesnt do that anymore.   he has a tendency to chase cats but does not hurt them (my neighbour has many cats and apparently he tolerates them).     he adores going on walks with us and our dog, and seems to get on really well with all other dogs.    when we walk him he is so good (better than ours in truth !) and if we call him he immediately trots back.    he is now a very affectionate dog and if we wanted another dog ourselves we would have no hesitation in taking him.      he is in region 87.      if anyone is interested please let me know.   thank you for reading this, as i say situation is not desperate but it would be nice to see such a lovely dog finally go to a loving permanent home.

oh one more thing as to breed i am not entirely sure but he is one of those little hunting dogs that everyone has in france - some kind of a spaniel.

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