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Have we got a new cat?


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I have two male cats, both are 18 months and have been snipped.  Since last Friday, we have had another male cat visit us.  I don't think he is wild, as he comes up to the door and he seems friendly enough with my two.  He looks as though he could do with a good brush and a bit of TLC.  He does make an awful meowing sound which is very loud.  I know he is male because over the past two days he has been coming into our veranda and spraying, it stinks.

My problem is, that we have a glass veranda which I leave open for my cats to come in and out of.  They eat and sleep in there and only come into the house when we let them in.  This other cat, Ginger, original yes I know, is also using this veranda as his new home.  I am very happy to feed and care for him, as he seems friendly towards my cats, but he is very scared of me and the kids.

I don't think I can catch him at the moment, other wise I would do this and take him to the vets. 

Any suggestions?




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If your own cats' food is accessible to others, then this seems to be an inevitable consequence of cat ownership in France. It's basically why we have something over a dozen of the little darlings (plus another two males who regularly come on the cadge). We found that fitting a cat flap helped a bit, those that need to use it seem to learn how to, though there are one or two that won't, or will only use it to come in but will not go out. And cat flaps are not too easy to find in France.
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Dotty you have my sympathies! My parents (in Uk) have had the same problem (several times, with different visiting cats.) They have 3 neutered males and a cat flap into the kitchen, an uninvited tom cat has paid them visits in the night, leaving his smelly calling card behind! I think sometimes a full male cat can't tell the difference between a female and a neutered male[:)] They eventually got rid of the visitor by giving him a bad fright! They trapped him in the kitchen (sneaked out another door and blocked his escape!) and then squirted him with a water pistol whilst banging saucepan lids together and shouting! The cat never came back. Only piece of advice is to make sure your own cats are not in the room at the time[:D] good luck! Joy

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Hi Dotty.

If he can get in and out, he will continue to do so. If he isn't ferral (completely wild) he is probably lost.

Do you remember how I came by my 'new' cat? There's a thread about it. I can find for you if you like.

I would try and suss out whether he has a tattoo or a chip, and then ask around as much as you can (ask your children to do so too), perhaps put pictures up in appropriate places.

If you get no joy, and if you like him, he is 'yours', (or rather, you are his) unless you drive him away as suggested.

Do you like him?


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I don't think he's wild, just lost.  But we live in the middle of no where so I have no idea where he has come from.  I feel sorry for him, though he is very noisey.  The kids want him to stay and he isn't a pain to the other cats, but oh goodness he makes such a racket.  Last night he woke me up and he sprays.  We are making progress as he now doesn't scarper when he sees me, hopefully, little by little he will learn to trust us, then I can whip him down the vets and get him done.

Cats are harder work than kids.

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Hi Dotty!

By the looks of things, yo have got yourselves another cat!!  It could take weeks to get close enough to him to catch him - but please do get him checked for a micro-chip or tattoo.  If he does belong to someone, who is looking for him, they could be going through what Mark & I are - wondering if their cat is still alive or not.  Sorry for sounding so miserable ....... but we've had 5 months, now, of heartbreak, not knowing what's happened to Ben.

If he isn't marked .............. you will have a very loving new cat who will hopefully appreciate how lucky he was finding you!! 

Our little darlings usually chew our ears, to wake us - but eye-lid licking has also been used as a furry alarm-clock!!   [:D]

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according to our neighbours, if the cat stays with you for a year and a day then it's your cat.

We had a large ginger cat adopt us for almost a year - he must've heard me talking about an impending visit to the vet for a snip when the time was up, as he disappeared just before xmas!

You're not in 87 are you? sounds like the "Ginger Whinger" :)

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what i have found a bit strange with cats is that they only seem to visit houses that already have cats!  having said that, our first cat, timmy, came to us out of the blue and decided to stay.  several weeks later, we found out that he had a home only a few doors away!  we went to see the owner and explained about timmy and how we didn't know where he had come from.  the owner wasn't a bit perturbed or vexed or anything; merely said, "oh, you can hang on to him if you like because we have another cat!" fascinated and horrified at the same time, i said, " but won't your little boy be upset?"  the reply, as you might have guessed was, "oh no, he won't be a bit bothered"!!!

our second cat, thomas, also came to us but i think he was genuinely a stray.  he turned out eventually to be the most beautiful and good-natured cat you could ever hope to find.  but, dotty, he did take MONTHS before he would sit on my lap or come within stroking distance.  so, you'll need to adopt a softly softly approach.

anyway, coming back to what i said at the beginning of this post about visiting cats, the oddest thing is that once our cats had gone to the five-star cattery in the sky, NO cat has come within yards of our house.  the cat flap is still in place and still left on "open" so i am not sure what does attract cats to pick our houses

of one thing i am certain, you are truly blessed if a cat decides to come to stay with you.  after all, cats are known for their discernment and they would know which is a good home and which isn't!

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