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I hope those who can, are watching BBC 2  - various celebrities have temporarily adopted rescued dogs and are putting them through their paces and are judged afterward. Its all in aid of the Dogs Trust and one purpose is to highlight the plight of the many dogs needing homes.
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It started off well, but ended up showing, to anybody with just a little knowledge, just how little the programme makers understood the French market. I suspect the whole thing was made up and posed for the cameras. The French agent was probably genuine, she looked completely bemused and out of her depth, in totally uncharted territory.
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[quote user="Russethouse"]I hope those who can, are watching BBC 2  - various celebrities have temporarily adopted rescued dogs and are putting them through their paces and are judged afterward. Its all in aid of the Dogs Trust and one purpose is to highlight the plight of the many dogs needing homes.[/quote]

Drat I missed which dog was voted off !

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 Of course it 'should' be in the off topic section, however this is the animal section where people who are interested in rescueing animals look - after reading about so many dogs needing homes I thought some of them(if they are able to view) might like to see what can be achieved with some of these rescue animals.

Perhaps I should complain about the thread being hi jacked ? [:)][:)]

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Quite right Coco - where are the Mods when you need them?  Sitting around watching dog progs.[6]

And yes Will, that dopey French agent couldn't sell her way out of a paper bag.

Couldn't believe the UK estate agent and that place in Spain though!  The old 'red mist' must have descended when he bought it - a bit like a Clint Eastwood western set.   


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Of course it is France related.  I am in France, I watched it in France and I was interested in it in France and I read the post in France...............[:D]  and I also missed the last bit about which one got voted off[:(].  The dogs are all lovely but I especially liked the Irish Wolfhound X G. Shepherd and the Afghan.  I was a bit concerned that the dogs may bond with their celebrities before being sent back to Dogs Trust but then I suppose that at least the dogs on the show are bound to get adopted.  I was also just a little sad that the 'phone-in money is going to children in need and not, just this once, to the dogs in need,  I am sure that Dogs Trust could really do with it.  Yes, I know that the kids need it but so much charity money is raised for them, I had hoped that this time, it would have gone to the animals who, after all, are raising it.


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[quote user="Russethouse"]

 Of course it 'should' be in the off topic section, however this is the animal section where people who are interested in rescueing animals look -


Well if it should be why doesn't a mod move it there?  [:P] As this is a Forum about France wouldn't people be wanting to rescue animals in France?  And incidentally, this is the Pets section, there is a separate section for people interested in animal welfare and rescuing animals! I looked at the thread because I thought there was a French-related programme on BBC2!    One rule for one.... [:P] 

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I am sure the publicity will help the dogs a great deal. I did see the follow up programme and it looked as if that Theo chap from Dragons Den went out, which seemed rather strange because I thought they got some good words from the judges. Still being good at something isn't always enough, look at Tara Palmer-wotsit beating that other girl and Barry from Eastenders, and how that football chap stayed in for so long is unbelievable.


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[quote user="Bugbear"]Great programme and seriously, does it really matter where it is on here................pas importante[/quote]

Of course it doesn't matter where it is.  I've never bothered about how much "French interest" there is in a thread as long as it's of interest to someone but so many times moderators have moved threads that were going along quite happily, or before we had the Off Topic section, commented on the lack of French content of some threads, yet when they themselves start a non-French thread in the "wrong" place it is not only allowed to stay but argument is given as to why it should.  It's only banter, after all [6]

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[quote user="Will"]It looks good, but I'm watching the Selling Houses programme (in France) on Channel 4.[/quote]

Gay post stuff unrelated to France?  Well I never!!  Can't have the mods posting too much in the old Lounge can we, that would never do[:P]

Any way back to the other French related  topic[Www]

So the story line was an English Solicitor goes to France and has a meeting in a bar with a French agent and spends £180,000 on a house without looking inside it, then when his wife arrives he finds out that some barsteward has built a house right in front of his garden and blocked his view of the mountains.  This of course did not in any way reduce the value of the house it was the lack of a fitted kitchen and all those wallpapered ceilings that did it.

It was suggested by the bemused French agent that as it has not sold in a year despite the reduction of a whopping £3,000 that he drop the price by £20,000 despite the market being bouyant and up 20% in the year[:D][:P], so Mrs Solicitor says NO WAY!!  So Mr Smarty Pants English Property agent expert says, No I agree that is not the way, lets spend loads of money on making changes that will sell it, of course all assuming that artisans are on hand to do the required  work at the drop of a hat.

 At that point I was driven to watch a DVD of the Teletubbies, much more plausible, far more believable characters and a far superior story line[:D].

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>>>Well if it should be why doesn't a mod move it there?  Stick out tongue [:P] As this is a Forum about France wouldn't people be wanting to rescue animals in France?  And incidentally, this is the Pets section, there is a separate section for people interested in animal welfare and rescuing animals! I looked at the thread because I thought there was a French-related programme on BBC2!    One rule for one.... Stick out tongue [:P] <<<

The 'should' was in italics for a reason ! I posted quickly as the program was about to start, silly me - I thought that as this is the section where dogs looking for homes in FRANCE are 'posted' it might be interesting for people in FRANCE who could watch and may be toying with the idea of rescueing a homeless dog in FRANCE to see what can be achieved with them.


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I always look at the 'Active' topics list so I couldn't give a toss in which pigeonhole the topics I want to read are sitting.

I suppose as we have only rescued four dogs in France I should know better, that I shouldn't look in the pets section for something about dogs.

Anyway, I quite inadvertently (and in hindsight very conveniently [;-)] ) steered the topic off along a France-related tangent, so unless this yet another 'lets have a pop at the moderators' sort of  playground game there cannot really be a problem. Can there?

If Ron had stuck with the programme and not been drawn to his more factually accurate Teletubbies video he would have seen the miraculous instant transformation of a house with a bit of typically French character (though not the Homes & Gardens idea of a 'French interior') into something totally boring and bland intended to appeal to French and English buyers alike, but which prompted a French buyer to remark on how 'unusual' it was. Anyway, the TV people leafleted travellers arriving at the nearby airport (in English) and railway station (French) with house details. That, in my interpretation of the strictly controlled French agent immobilier/marketing rules, is not really legal. The sellers were encouraged by the presenter to tell blatant lies to the prospective buyers (the wife, unsurprisingly, suddenly lost her voice and will to live when asked an awkward question about the new house being built at the end of the garden). And it ended up with somebody offering 'over the asking price'. That, again, just does not happen under the French house buying system.

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[quote user="Will"]

Anyway, I quite inadvertently (and in hindsight very conveniently [;-)] ) steered the topic off along a France-related tangent, so unless this yet another 'lets have a pop at the moderators' sort of  playground game there cannot really be a problem. Can there?

No "pop at the moderators" intended Will.  I would have made my comments no matter who had posted in this section -  I just find it interesting that a Moderator admitted it was in the wrong place but still was not prepared to move it. No big deal though.

. And it ended up with somebody offering 'over the asking price'. That, again, just does not happen under the French house buying system.

I can bear this out - we once wanted to buy our local presbytery and put an offer in (on the advice of the agent) at 10K below the asking price.  Someone else cam back with the full asking price and we offered to go an extra couple of K to secure it but were told that the game was up; the full price had been offered and that there was nothing we could do about it.  We lost out but to be quite honest I'm glad such rules are in existance to stop things spiralling out of control.

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