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Agility classes anybody?


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Hi Guys,

I have a Teckel (well that's what the farmer called him as I parted with 30 Euros!) and he is a very active little fellow. I think both he and I would enjoy agility classes or something similar. (Our courtyard garden is too small to manage anything).

Does anyone know of anything similar in the north west of Mayenne or western Brittany?

Any serious suggestions would be most gratefully received by both of us!


Aly (and Mike)


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Very amusing, Hoverfrog.....

We're both bored with the tennis balls (including chasing the ball while my OH and I try to play tennis)/finding the 3 differently coloured rubber bones /chasing (or trying to sh*g) the two cats etc.etc.

It was actually a serious request for help.....it's like living with a miniature regimental sergeant major!!! I love him to bits, but he's a bossy little s**t!!


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because one had a red collar and the other a blue one...

Blue ate his collar, they both ended up with brown ones, and Red stuck and Badger reverted to a previous name (never tell the kids they can name the puppies! I drew a halt when they had different names every two days!)

Actually I was being serious about the tennis balls - I find sitting on the front step with an apero in hand and repeatedly throwing the ball does both me and the dogs good! :)
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Thanks for that guys,

Mike is very like the photos ofthe roughhaired teckels, but he's black, grey and white which isn't mentioned, so I suppose I've been "had" by the owners!! ( just anothr dumb Brit, ha, ha).

As for agility, Mike just loves interaction with humans (obviously we're all equals) climbing things, learning new tricks etc etc.....like a really intelligent only child. He's just so energetic, and no he's not a puppy!

I've tried the appero and tennis ball thing, but our garden is small.....I've no sooner thrown the ball than there he is, all merry eyes and waggly rear end wanting a repeat performance, while the glass hasn't had time to reach my lips.....very unfair! The result...one very sober owner and one overexcited dog. Not a happy combination!

Mind you... would I change him? Not for a million apperos...well perhaps.....



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My son used to call all our pets Blackie, OH always wants to call cats Toby (we've had one, two AND three) and dogs Louie (only one and two so far)

At one stage we had Toby3 and Louie2 at home, which just served to confirm our neighbours fears that we were really weird!


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