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Am I the only one to be feeling a bit miffed at being charged so much by ferry companies for pets. One way travel on Speed Ferry for example with our little mutt... Euro 22.00, one way travel with car and passengers... Euro 27.00 - which, lets face it, is a good deal - so perhaps I should feel hard done by?

Still miffed though, and I've got the return journey to France to pay for yet!


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MIFFED!!!!! You bet!!!![:@][:@]

This has been a real problem of mine since they started the PETS scheme (Scam!) I absolutly aggree with you 100%.

As you say speed ferries charge £15 to bring your pet out but they do NOTHING to warrent this charge!

Other companies only charge when you return to the UK.!      BUT £30![:@] They only check the passport to see if the treatment has been done. It  takes no more than 2min's. My vet does the treatment fills in the passport and gives the dog a health check all for less than £25

So  Tunel and Ferry Co's  WHY are you charging SO MUCH !!!!


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I made a point once of asking the clerk at P&O in Dover why the charge was so much - in this particlar case we had missed an earlier sailing with Speed Ferries and had to book with them - quite a lot for the mutt I seem to remember..... and was told that "well, we have staff on board keeping a regular check on your animals". No you do not I thought, there is no access to the car deck during crossings!

It's a bugger and no mistake.

Maybe we have some ferry staff out there who'd like to comment? 

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yep im an ex ferry staff, and yes its expensive, but you have a happy dog that can travel with you. i spent many years not beeing able to travel with my loyal furry friends and was more than happy to pay the price when the scheme was introduced.

 if you ask at the pursers office when on the ferry, they will find  someone to accompany you to the car deck to check on your pet, if they become awkward become distaught it always works.

 the car deck crew do patrol the car decks you can again ask the pursers office to have your pet checked if you think the animal is unnerved by the crossing.

 if you dont get any joy from the purser ask to speak to the captain that will usually scare a pompous officer into beeing a little bit more human. like you say you have paid for the animal, make them give you the service you want

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While I never like spending any money at any time, I do not think that the £30 for the return trip for each of dogs is exhorbitant.

I doubt that the ferry companies make a profit on pet travel fees. I am just happy to have the facility to take our dogs with us.


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Well no, neither am happy to spend money I and yes, it is nice to have your pet checked. My observation really came down to the ratio between the cost of a vehicle plus passengers, and my poor mutt - who is a 'passenger' anyway. Call me a cynic but I reckon I'd be hard pushed to get someone to check him out for me if the missus was worried about the little fella!

If they do not make a profit on one dog, how on earth then do they make a profit with a vehicle plus five passengers?

I wonder what they'd charge for a hamster?


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[quote user="dogwood"]They only check the passport to see if the treatment has been done. It  takes no more than 2min's.[/quote]

Wrong. Actually they do more than this - just that you don't see the other stuff they have to do.


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[quote user="Deimos"]

[quote user="dogwood"]They only check the passport to see if the treatment has been done. It  takes no more than 2min's.[/quote]

Wrong. Actually they do more than this - just that you don't see the other stuff they have to do.




Enlighten me please. What exactly do they do for there £30??


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[quote user="Deimos"]

[quote user="dogwood"]They only check the passport to see if the treatment has been done. It  takes no more than 2min's.[/quote]

Wrong. Actually they do more than this - just that you don't see the other stuff they have to do.



Err, we're still waiting for your learned knowledge on what they actually do, other than read the passport and send a fax to DEFRA - but that's only on the France to UK crossing!

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Agreed, I wonder if they charge extra for wheel chairs as well - or is that just a 'facility'?

If you provide a specific chargable service, it is reasonable to ask what that 'service' actually is and what you are getting for your money - otherwise we start getting into the realms of semantics because I reckon pets like wheelchairs should be a facility and that a charged service should be something that can be quantified.

They'll be charging to use the shop next, even to sit down or, if you want to go to the loo..... "soap, towels and paper extra folks".



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A pet is a lifestyle choice.   A wheelchair usually isn't.

As for charging for things, have you tried Ryanair recently?   And see how much it'll cost you to take your pet on a plane to the UK.

Honestly, you lot who only move as far as you could throw your cat anyway, you don't know you're born!  [;-)] 

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[quote user="catalpa"]It's an extra service and it costs you more. That's business.

No thats a "Rip off"!!

£30 for a little dog, £25 car & 5 people. THAT is what the problem is.

 Make the price reflect the service. 2min work =£5 More than fair dont you think?




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Well yes, wheelchairs are not a lifestyle choice and sorry to use a bad example - I was just trying to make a point - but whats' with the insult? I just feel it's unfair to charge so much for so little work and so little a dog.

Never did like cats.

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