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I have a 4 week old Shetland foal, apart from being treated for a bad leg with antibiotics, by our vet, she is starting to lose her hair around the eyes, nose and the white blaze on her forehead.  Before I start screaming for the vet again, is this a natural process with foals, or could it be cause by the medication or anything else, in such a young animal .

Would be very grateful for any advice.

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Hi there.  Foals do tend to have a slightly rough coat for the first few months of their lives and when they lose it, it can look a bit patchy.  You don't say if your foal has been rubbing or scratching her head, or if she behaves as if she is itchy.   It's not normal for a foal (or an adult horse) to completely lose its hair, and I would suggest that you check with your Vet to rule out possible causes like mites, midge bite or some allergic reaction.   It is possible for hair loss to be caused by medication, but it's not very common.

Hope this helps.

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I think what you have discribed is perfectly normal for a foal of that age as the previous poster said foals are born with quite a thick furry coat and soon start to lose it, some foals are born say chestnut and when they lose their first coat they are a totaly different colour and the first signs of this 'New' colour is arround the eyes nose and under the tail area. Early born foals should get a complete summer coat in its first summer but late ones sometimes keep the wooly one till the next spring

So unless your foal is showing signs of scratching or rubbing thees areas I would not be worried


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