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Around 1996 maybe the year before or after, even ! We had a census in our part of France and as far as I was aware, so did the rest of France?

Local people were asked if they would like to do the job of going round all the houses and taking down the names and one or two details of each person who were living in each property.

At the time we had guests in and we had to tell the census reps if they were local  or foreigners.

Not sure what happened to the results, not really that important to know, I guess.


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I'm afraid the answer to your question is "there is no correct answer" !.

I've tried to research the same question for clients. Any official information is either old or incomplete : and I would say both.

You can get French local information for resident foreigners. However it does not always extract Brits. In any event, it probably only includes those with a Carte de Sejour, which is by no means all Brits resident in France.

You can trace how many Brits are registered with the local British consul. Again it is very few. I have never registered in the 15 yrs I've lived abroad.

You can trace Brits who own houses, but many are holiday homes. And how do you treat Brits who visit for 3,6,9 months per year ?

The French census results are available online here : http://www.recensement.insee.fr and they are from 1999 !

Bonne chance


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French censuses are done rather differently, at least in Normandy. Only a certain percentage of communes, and a certain percentage of people in those communes, are counted - but how they know they've got the right percentage without counting them all I have no idea. The advantage of this system is that the authorities can massage the statistics to produce the result they want. For example the next-to-last census made the region look too rural and agricultural, so last time they decided to concentrate on counting the people in large towns rather than the rural communes.
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