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Car Divider


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Sorry, not really sure what proper name is ...

Anyway, its one of those dividers that separates front of car from back, to keep your dog in back of car.

My dog is becoming increasingly naughty in the car, the excitement is just all too much, and she is a pain.    Been looking for a universal divider or one which will go into my Peugeot 106, but have had trouble finding.   Does anyone know of a good place.   Suspect its the kind of thing that will suddenly appear at a particular time of year (perhaps start of chasse), but really need one now.

As matter of interest, someone told me it was illegal in France to not have such a thing, when you have a dog in the car - is this true ??

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I've never actually seen them on sale in France, but that doesn't mean they aren't available. You can get them easily in Britain, through E-Bay traders and mail-order pet suppliers. many of whom will send to France. Look for 'dog guard'. I have used a universal one made by Saunders. There are good, inexpensive guards sold under the RAC name as well.

The alternative is a cage or harness, easily available in France, such as those at http://www.zubial.fr/list.php?lang=1&path=238&sort=id&page=10. In fact a harness might prove more satisfactory in a small car.

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How dare you call my car small !!! Its huge !!

Thought about harness, still thinking about it, as she is a serious nightmare in car (howls like a banshee, thrashes her head from side to side to watch every passing car, normally with head through front, thereby knocking me out every time she does it).    Would a harness be any good for long journeys; ie can they lie down properly with a harness on?

Will look for dog guards on UK sites first, before I decide on harness or not.

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I use a harness all the time now in the car.  Troy (our Border Collie) has always been pretty well behaved in a car but clearly hates it, nevertheless.  In the days when I first had him and I used a cage or a divider, he would charge off in the opposite direction at the first sign that he had to go in the car.  With the harness, he co-operates and hops in without trouble so he clearly prefers it.  They're cheap, so easy to give one a try anyway!  He travelled in the tunnel and all the way to the Sarthe when we moved here and was able to lie down/sit up/ do as he wished, quite comfortably and arrived here calm and unstressed.

Edit : Meanwhile, dividers here


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I have opposite problem - she adores car - at very mention of word she legs it towards car and runs round and round trying to get in.  We have resorted to spelling it - "go and unlock the c - a - r will you?"    

I think you have both persuaded me to try a harness first before going down the other route.

Many thanks both

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You can get them from car accessory shops - grille pare-chien ou barriere metallique pour chien.   You can also find them on-line.  These are the "universal" types which adjust to fit various cars.   You can also buy them from car dealers specific to your make of car.  I ordered one from a Peugeot dealer as the universal ones did not fit my car. 

You can get harnesses whch attach to the seat belt anchorage on the back seat.  They are very strong and allow the dog limited movement including lying down. 


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Our deerhound has always worn a harness in the car (anchored around the seatbelt).  We brought him all the way from Yorkshire to the Loire Valley in it.  I am pretty sure now that he actually likes the harness in the car, it makes him feel safe.  In the UK they come in three sizes, S, M and L depending on the size of the dog.  However, the first time our rescue pointer wore one, she was going to the vet.  Bad idea (no option at the time, bit of an emergency).  She is now scared of the harness and has to travel in a crate, so just make sure the first outing is a fun one.  However, I also think it depends on how active the dog is in the car.  If they won't sit down calmly I think they can get a bit tied up in a harness, so the dog guard is then the better option (or a crate).  The pointer is scared of the crate in the house, but loves the car so much that you just have to open the door of the crate in the back of the car, and she jumps straight in.  Dogs, funny creatures aren't they?
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Funny you should say that cooperola - I said to OH a few days ago 'shall we give the dog a B-O-N-E today?    (another thing we now have to spell because of exceptional level of excitement the actual word used to produce) and before he had even answered she ran into kitchen and sat whining in front cupboard where the bones are kept......    lets hope she takes a while to twig on to C-A-R!
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