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Dog vaccinations


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Could somebody outline what vaccinations are either compulsory or recommended for dogs in France?

If you know their French names, all the better.

The query concerns one dog who has come from Spain where she used to have regular jabs, and another dog who was acquired here but her vaccination record is unknown.


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The normal vaccinations are CHPPiL plus Rage (Rabies)

These cover

Maladie de Carré (Distemper)

Hépatite Contagieuse (Hepatitis)

Parvovirose (gastro-entérite à parvovirus)

Toux du Chenil (Kennel Cough)

Leptospirose (Leptospirosis)


Rabies is just one jab a year.

The others need a booster 3/4 weeks after the first vaccination, then an annual booster.


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That's an excellent response, thanks, Christine.

I should have also asked, does the micro-chip carry vaccination (or any other) information? It's the first time I've had a micro-chipped dog, and it may well help the vet if he can gather any other info that I don't know.

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[quote user="TheVicar"]

I should have also asked, does the micro-chip carry vaccination (or any other) information? It's the first time I've had a micro-chipped dog, and it may well help the vet if he can gather any other info that I don't know.
[/quote]No it does not.  It only relates to any info on the data base (that may include the animal's birth date etc but not the vaccination record) - and of course the number on the chip will be on your new vaccination record as a cross reference for the future.
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The microchip shows

The Breed

Name of dog



Date of Birth

Address and telephone of owner


The date the chip was inserted

Where on the dog it was inserted

The name and address of the vet who chipped the dog.


But if your dog is microchipped, don't you have the card, as if it has come from Spain you should have it registerd at your new address here (the vet has the necessary form).


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Thank you both for your helpful replies. I've never had such quick replies to a posting before. Just goes to show the old adage about our concern for animals.

Reminds me of my eldest learning about Pompeii. The class were told about charred bodies found, even babies, but when the teacher mentioned the burnt remains of a dog the whole class went "aaaaaaaahh".

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