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Buying Property In France?

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Are you a home owner selling and buying a property in France and finding yourself in a chain? If so, we would like to speak to you.


The Property Chain is one of the most successful and informative documentary series on British Television and it is returning to our screens so we would like to film with people who are just embarking on the process of putting their homes on the market.


It’s presented by Kirstie Allsop. She is a property expert with a wealth of knowledge and advice on how to keep a chain running smoothly.

We want to hear about your home. What makes it special? What about you? From downsizers to upsizers, families to individuals, whatever your situation, we are interested to hear from you. Each week, the programme follows the property chain from offers through to moving-in day.

We hope to help ease the pressure of one of the biggest events in your life, and will be on hand at every step along the way. Our experienced team will even provide support and be there for you to talk to during those difficult moments that can arise in the sale or purchase of any home!


If you have not yet found a buyer, our knowledge and contacts could help to bring your property to the attention of a wider circle of buyers, and speed up the process of your property sale. Of course, properties will also be beautifully filmed by professional cameramen, providing participants with a great memento of their houses.

For more information on taking part in the series, contact Helen Pope on 07834 738873 or at h.pope@mavericktv.co.uk.

Please note, this message has been authorised by forum admin, who are happy for us to contact you through the Living France forum.

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[quote]Come on guys n gals - what's a suitable adjective for Kirstie ? How about "strapping" to set the ball a-rolling ? John[/quote]

Perhaps "bouncy", along with that other "bouncy" Lloyd's Bank advert person who does A Place in the Sun.

In my view they both have what it takes to knock up concrete.

Weedon (53)

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I'm not too sure about this because James (the regular forum admin) is away, though an LF staffer is monitoring his messages.

The French house-buying system isn't really geared to property chains so I'm not sure how this programme will work out in practice - I would have thought the TV company could have done a bit more homework.

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I still can`t understand this.

It seems if I want to sell a house or a horse all I have to do is:

1. Ask people to reply to my e-mail address.

2. Tell people that it has been sanctioned by forum admin.

3. Wait until forum admin is on holiday then post on forum.

4. Hope that I have enough response before admin returns.

or is this a case of every-one being equal be somes more equal than others.

Regards colin


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Firstly, never heard of Kirstie whatshername or this programme anyway and from previous comments, suspect she is well padded.Secondly are they doing a course first on how to say "wow" "superb" sitting on the terrace with a glass of wine etc", you know the rest of the standard words. Actually I've heard Florida currently is a good place to buy a property abroad,you don't have to worry about renovation work,just keep re-building from scratch each time!!
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Firstly re Kirstie Allsop: the word that comes to mind is FAT - sorry guys. If she is not overweight she needs to change her stylist - those retro dresses are pretty naff IMHO.

Nelson, TV companies are requested to check with Living France before posting, in the vague hope that these programs will be helpful they sometimes allow the ads.

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Totally off topic but Fat is in the eye of the beholder and being a mite overweight for a woman is better as she gets older - if she has a bad fall or a long illness she needs that body fat to live off, men it seems do not have this problem.

The current 'normal' BMI makes many young male holywood actors obese and when you see the actresses in real life they are not thin, they look simply skinny.  Our views on what is fat and what is acceptable is being warped all the time.  My aunt who was 'large' in her 50's is now well padded but not overweight in her mid 80's and very active.

I think Kirsty and her ilk are doing more for what a 'normal' woman looks like than the skinny creatures on the catwalk and magazines.

Oh, it took me over 50 years to get my weight over 9 stone, so I was always one of those horribly thin women and I hated it (6.5 stone for many many years). - the above are personal views but I know that Kirsty catches John's eye .

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I'm afraid I am similarly endowed 'fore and aft' to said Kirstie, all I can tell you is that I consider myself too large.......however I agree about the BMI, at 5ft 7in I think my ideal weight is 9st 7lb - I think I passed that at age 14 and despite a very active job when I first left school I have NEVER been that weight.!!

I hate those retro dresses and odd coats she wears though - :-( but actually enjoy the programs

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I think Kirsty has lost a lot of weight since her earlier days on TV. However it's her shoes that get me. She can be quite irritating but is somehow very likeable. I don't think Phil Spencer is camp. Justin & Colin are camp! Sarah Beeny is "well endowed". But Tommy Walsh is King! Wish they would do a series of Challenge Tommy in France - chez moi!

Yes I watch all the property/renovation/makeover shows!

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I think Kirsty and Phil are great. I thought Phil was camp in the beginning, but I rather fancy him now!! Apparently he is married with a baby. A lot of men seem to like Kirsty - I reckon they see her as a bit of a dominatrix! TOH really fancies Sarah Beany. Talking of weight issues, I think Amanda Lamb has rounded out a bit lately. (Still attractive though Amanda, if you are reading this!)

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