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Raw Dog Diet


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I am urgently seeking information on where to obtain raw dog food in France, preferably Paris, in particular raw tripe? I am travelling to Paris with my dog and she is gluten intollerant so is unable to eat any of the dried variety dog foods or tinned.

A friend of mine told me there was a new shop opening in Paris which is just for dogs and sells dog food so I wondered if anyone knew of it?

Look forward to hearing from you.


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Agree with Clair - I am a dog owner, but do not feed my dog raw food.   However, my friend does, and her local butcher saves her the - well I don't actually know what it is to be honest, but meat which we humans don't want to pay for I guess - call it meat anyway, and it is not expensive.

Also, in my local Intermarche supermarket, there is a section for raw dog meat, at the end of the counter, so you may well find something similar in Paris.   Problem is that you may have one hungry dog by the time you find a supermarket that does it, so best bet might be a butcher.

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Hello Kalaztra. I cannot help you with your question but maybe you can help me. My boxer has been diagnosed with the same. We have been told to feed him Chicken and Potatoe for the moment bound with an egg. He likes this. We live in France so any info would be appreciated.


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I bet your boxer likes his chicken dinners! We feed our two border collies on raw meat, usually cheap chicken joints from champion. You can usually get them reduced if slightly overdate. Carrefour do large bags of meat or bones for dogs. These are very cheap. Sometimes I give them "scrambled eggs on toast" ie crumbledup bread mixed with egg and milk.
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We had a Great Dane with a skin condition that we were told was caused by additives in conventional dog foods.   She was fed with boiled chicken and boiled rice, big pans of it simmerring in the hob every other day!

We now have a lab x mastiff and a dogue de Bordeaux.   Eat anything, any time anywhere accompanied by yards of drool.  We do limit what they have as some stuff has an adverse "windy" effect and you do not want to downwind of that, but it does not stop them trying to scrounge.  [+o(]

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Hiya all. We have been told that rice not so good. We were feeding boy boy on rice and Lamb. lamb ain't cheap here 6.49 euro a kilo. we were buying a leg every other day. We now have been in touch with a friend of a friend in a Pet Shop in Blandford Dorset ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Anyway he passes a piece of metal (attached to a cord) over the animals back. He then gives a diagnoses of what is a suitable diet. Sounds crazy don't it. Well, it has worked for loads of peoples doggies, etc., he is such a nice chap too. We could not make it over to Blandford so we sent a sample of hair from Ray our boy boy. Dave as that is the name of the proprietor, has telephoned us here in France three times so far with suggestions. He is also going to send us Chicken from a company called Fourth Glade. As he cannot see Ray as it were, we have to report his progress. Now OK skeptics may be dubious in their thoughts. The thing is we have spent a fortune in Biopsies and Vets here in France. Diet seems to be the problem yes, hence the suggestion of lamb and rice. Dave the pet shop guy is the only person to have told us what to do and how. 

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I'm UK based and feed raw but find it easy enough to do when in France.  As people have said most French supermarkets sell meat for dogs at the end of their human meat counters.  You can't guarantee what will be in the packets as the meat is the leftovers from the human counter of the day before (all perfectly fresh) plus offcuts.  Mine have enjoyed steak, veal, chicken, sausage and all sorts of other treats.  In the human section you will also find hearts, offal, pigs' trotters and other delicacies your dog will enjoy!  It really is very easy.  Also sold are bones for making stock so take care to remove any sharp pieces of bone.  I doubt you will find green tripe but certainly white.  If you are there for a period of time and have access to a freezer then it can also be worth buying the large trays of meat when they are on promotion.

Here in the UK I get all my raw meat from Albion (similer to Forthglade) who deliver on a regular basis, again lots of freezer space is a must.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Chris are you moving to France now? I never know with you! tried emailing you the other week but you're not talking.

Hope you are Ok. Are you sure your puppies will eat raw dog - wouldn't that be cannibalism! or don't french dogs count! It reminded me of Stokie when he used to follow rowan round with a knife and fork.

drop me a line if you get a chance


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Calm down, I think the OP's title probably would have been better off reading Raw Diet for Dogs rather than Raw Dog Diet, I must admit I did do a double take but nowhere in her post does she suggest she wants to feed dog to her dog.   Surely you can see that MM's post is written 'tongue in cheek'!

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Thank you for those kind words. But we at the RSPCA are concerned that our high standards are not applied by others abroad. Foreigners just do not have the same regard for animals. I hope that you British expatriates are keeping up high standards and not allowing standards to slip. It is not difficult to imagine that cash strapped old pensioners trapped abroad in crumbling old housing and unable to return to the UK because of high housing prices might have to resort to eating their beloved pets. If you get to this stage, contact us and we will try to help, before you are forced to eat your dog or cat.
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Oh my god - what have started now! I've known Chris for 28 years and in all that time I have never known her to eat her dogs, she would be more likely to eat the neighbours than her dogs!! Just a joke...

"As your mother tells you, and my mother certainly told me, it is important, she always used to say, always to try new things" - Hannibal Lecter

reminds me of the line - "I ate his liver with some fava beans, and a nice Chanti. *slurp slurp slurp*"

Sorry to lower the tone!

Afghans forever


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  • 2 months later...

Whilst I don't live in France.....yet....I have a dog who is allergic to soooooooo much including rice, poultry, dairy, wheat etc. I have to feed her on rabbit and potatoes. For extra fibre (cuz when i feed potatoes in the front end, mash comes out of the other!!! ) She has raw butternut squash...which she is ok with and it 'firms' her up! My sister lives in Brittany and says I'll have no problem getting rabbits for her  when we move over!!!

Luckily, my other 2 babies are fine with most food!


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