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Allergies i n dogs


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Just a quick update for information.   I read a paper written by an Austrialian (I think) vet, regarding Omega 3 sometimes helping to control allergies in dogs.   Anyway, since it is harmless I decided to give it a go.    According to the paper I read, the results can vary between no effect at all, complete cure, and anywhere in the middle.

Well, my mutt has now been scoffing down her Omega 3 tablets for about three weeks, and it has now been two weeks since we have had to put any ointment in her ears.   She still scratches a little bit, but nothing like before.    I can't remember the last time we went more than a week without having to put something in her ears.     She is still scratching her body, but nothing like she used to. 

It could be coincidence of course, but on the face of it the tablets have helped, and quite quickly.    The paper did say it might take months for an improvement to show.      As I recall one person who responded here to my original question also effectively tried the same approach by adding some kind of tinned fish oil, and had an element of success also.

I bought them from Australia - I think its Pets Megastore, but would be interested to know if you can get them in France.  Have had a quick look and cannot seem to find anywhere.

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