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Complete France Forum

The Property Chain

Channel 4

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Forum admin gave me permission to post the ad, and in response to there being no property chains in France, a French property could still be the top of a chain for us, if a person was relocating - even if they had to buy before selling, they will still be intrinsically linked, property wise, to a chain of those buying and selling properties beneath them in the chain.

Thanks for all the positive responses and emails, look forward to hearing from more property hunters.

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[quote]Forum admin gave me permission to post the ad, and in response to there being no property chains in France, a French property could still be the top of a chain for us, if a person was relocating - eve...[/quote]

Didn't you feel a bit of a Tw*t asking people to respond to your ad when you found out  property chains for the majority of people in France  don't exist  as in they do in the Uk, would it not be normal to do some research first.
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I don't think it's 100% correct to say that chains as known in England don't exist, but they are uncommon, and only really seem to involve English buyers.

I do understand what you are saying about French property at the end of the English chain; it's not uncommon for people to commit themselves to buying a French house before the sale of an English house is finalised, only to see the English chain break and finding themselves in the situation where they either lose their 10% deposit (maybe more) or have to arrange extra finance. A programme that focused on that aspect would provide a warning about the totally different house buying systems in the two countries (and be interesting and entertaining).

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[quote]I don't think it's 100% correct to say that chains as known in England don't exist, but they are uncommon, and only really seem to involve English buyers. I do understand what you are saying about F...[/quote]

I did say "for the majority of people in France"
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[quote]Didn't you feel a bit of a Tw*t asking people to respond to your ad when you found out property chains for the majority of people in France don't exist as in they do in the Uk, would it not be norm...[/quote]

Seems to me that finding out by posting on this forum was pretty effective way of doing the research; and cheap!  Downside was they had to wade through all that juvenile drivel about the presenter!
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Because there isn't the need for people to all complete sales on the same day, with money rushing about via telegraphic transfer. Can you imagine notaires agreeing to that sort of pressure?

Seriously, the French system means that you are committed to purchase once you have signed the compromis de vente, and can't just drop out and break chains further down the line.

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Thank you, Will, maybe the English system is more intense, with that same-day thing.

We're in the process of moving house here in France.  Because it's my first transfer of money from Lloyds, it's taking time, and in a worst-case scenario....

.... the vendors move out Sept 15th to their new place.  Even at this late stage we could still be refused a mortgage because of the money, and we could still (legally) get out of the compromis AND get our deposit back.

This would leave them in the proverbial, nesspa?  They have no money to pay for their new place, their vendors then have no money to pay for THEIR new place, and so on.  The whole thing would be VERY unpleasant, and would continue to be so until they found a new buyer to replace us!

It looks like a chain to me, just not a same-day chain. Maybe it's a British myth that there are no chains, because so many Brits buy property that's already vacant, and perhaps think that that's how life is in France?

p.s. we're right at the bottom of our chain, since we're moving out of rented accommodation.  Ooooohhhh, the power! 


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[quote]Thank you, Will, maybe the English system is more intense, with that same-day thing. We're in the process of moving house here in France. Because it's my first transfer of money from Lloyds, it's ta...[/quote]

I agree with you "SB".

Unless I'm missing something but when you originaly sign and get a "completion" date. You arrive at the Notaire's with "cash" in hand to handover there and then. If you do not have the "spare" cash and the money for the new house is tied-up in the old, surely you have to wait till your buyers have handed their money over before you can hand yours. Therefore a chain is formed. Or have I missed something.

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SB and Boggie - you are right about the French system being less intense. It seems that in France the system is more geared towards, and people prepared to, taking out short-term finance (which we did when we moved within France) or renting or staying with familiy for short periods, in order to avoid the sale of several properties all having to take place, and monies transferred, on the same day. Also with each French sale normally being handled by a single notaire rather than two solicitors things work very differently from in England.

As I recall it, Channel 4's programme follows a chain of 3 or 4 houses, with all the to-ing and fro-ing of buyers and sellers coming in and dropping out, and all the problems thrown up by surveys, local searches, disputes between solicitors etc. Whereas in France once the compromis is signed, and as long as any pre-determined conditions like getting a mortgage are met, it all jogs along rather less dramatically, albeit slowly.

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[quote]Pantouflard Who are you calling juvenile, Junior member ? John[/quote]


I wouldn't read too much into the number of postings/"rank" shown, many of us lost most if not all of our postings tally in the recent changes.

I could have sworn I heard our two young children come out with the same sort of comments/insults the other day!








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