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Help with giving tablets...


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Great news Rose! Good for you...and your helpers! Keep it up, you now know you can do this. Don't expect Pig to understand that it's for his own good and to allow you to do it any easier though! It will only become easier by you all perfecting your technique! Pig looks very like our old Cheeky, long since departed, a real gem of a cat, the kind you are lucky enough to have once every so often, the kind who you can do anything to. When our oldest daughter was little, she used to wrap Cheeky in a shawl and push him about in her dolls pram. He was such a softie and never scratched anyone. We now have our old 18yr old Scottish, rescue cat, Smokey, who loves her life here in France and our 4yr old twin black French rescue cats, Coca and Cola.

Our youngest daughter has a flat in Perigueux. Are you near Le Bugue then?

Good luck


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Hi Anna... Pig sounds just like your old cat.  He is such a softy too.  We had his mum as a kitten and even helped deliver him and his sisters... the first of which was born on my tummy as I was asleep on the floor beside her!  (that certainly got my attention!)... His three sisters went to friends and family but we kept Pig... named by our children as he was so greedy and so much bigger than the others... He was born in the spare bedroom of our old house but after 2 days mum brought the kittens down into the sitting room and they lived behind the TV - with mum being more than happy to dissappear and leave us as baby sitters!  I think because of this Pig has always been a big softy with us... when ever the children picked him up he just went floppy and let them cuddle or play... as you say, never did they any harm or scratched them... he is such a wonderful chap... you see you shouldn't get me started on cats - I'll have to show you photos!

about an hour old


and a few weeks later...


Sadly we lost his mum just a few weeks before we moved out in August... so now we just have the two... but we do love them!

We live about 45 minutes from Le Bugue... but we do pop over from time to time as we have some friends near there.  I also love going into Perigueux, finding a little cafe and watching the world go by... such a beautiful city!

Anyway... thanks again for the help... we'll try again just before bedtime with the tonights lot, but feeling more confident now!


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Hi Anna... Pig is doing well thanks... we managed to pop the pills in no probem at all today.  We can already notice a change in him, he is certainly getting better and is more his old self.  He is also going outside more and more and no longer wanting to 'go' in the house. [:D]

It's just amazing what a few days on the medication will do! [:D]

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It's all a question of confidence that you're not going to hurt them - and them you!  The aforementioned Sammy takes her pill like an 'old stager' (but then she is) - however her sister is a crotchety old ****** who will do her best to rip you to shreds if offered something.  When her cystitis flares up (happily not for 18 mths), then it's daily vet jabs.

Just about 19yo the two of them and sleep 23 / 24.   Bit like me, really. 

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