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I'm so sad ...


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My apologies, you and your vet will know what's the best thing to do, of course.  I spoke out of turn and out of distress.

I trust that when Platon's time comes, all will go smoothly and well for you all.

All my very best wishes.

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[quote user="Frenchie2"]


Where are you in 24 ( Perigord Vert )?  ( I know the place..)




St. Front La Rivière, and you?

Don't worry about the exact methodology Frenchie, either you have misunderstood, but I get the impression that you are fluent in French, or your vet has good reasons for the way he does things. Whichever it is, be assured it is painless, very quick (10 seconds for Lira) and, because you are prepared for it, surprisingly calming for yourself. I had spent the previous 36 hours unable to finish a sentence on the subject because of the lump in my throat and the distress of it all, but when she went so softly into the night, I relaxed and, after a few moments holding her to me, set about the business of lifting her into the car, covering her and setting off on our journey home.

Practicalities again. Make sure all the arrangements you intend for your cat you have completed before the final goodbye. We had decided to curl her in her normal sleeping position because this can't be done later and was so thankful for that the following morning when I buried her, one last kiss goodbye and I laid her to rest, to all appearances sleeping peacefully. I know you have decided on a different course of action but the principle remains - take time to think it all through beforehand, and save unecessary trouble and pain later.

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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

This procedure has already been discussed on here before.


The thread is quite upsetting at the beginning but keep reading down the posts and you'll see that I posted some 'technical' details which were explained to me by my vet.


[/quote]  Thanks a lot Twinkle, I ve read the whole thread. ..   Our vet uses the two injections method, he really took the time to explain how he proceeds and he assured my son could be there because it would be very peaceful. He said he would be asleep after the first injection and would not realize there is a second one after.

Thank you so much for taking the time to quote this thread and all the kindness you ve been showing this past week ,  when we needed support.


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[quote user="sweet 17"]


My apologies, you and your vet will know what's the best thing to do, of course.  I spoke out of turn and out of distress.

I trust that when Platon's time comes, all will go smoothly and well for you all.

All my very best wishes.

[/quote]  Oh no, please, no need to apologize..    I did not take it the wrong way.. !

Taking the time to post on here is something I really do appreciate. It seems to me that all animal lovers are good people.

My beloved grand dad used to say in French " Qui aime les bêtes aime les gens"  ( It means " the one who loves animals loves people" )


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[quote user="Spardo"]


St. Front La Rivière, and you?  I live in Deux Sevres,  ( just like Christine Animal ) But I sometimes go and visit friends in La Rochebeaucourt, Brantôme, that part of northern Dordogne..

Don't worry about the exact methodology Frenchie, either you have misunderstood, but I get the impression that you are fluent in French,


( because you are prepared for it, surprisingly calming for yourself. Oh yes, I believe in what you say, I know that is the way it will be..

Practicalities again. Make sure all the arrangements you intend for your cat you have completed before the final goodbye.  take time to think it all through beforehand, and save unecessary trouble and pain later.  Oh yes, this is a precious piece of advice .. I will pay the bill and arrange for everything so that when Platon has stopped living, we could go home directly, I won't have to try and fill in a cheque I will not be able to see thru my tears...

[/quote]     Thanks a lot for posting !
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When our old cat was put down, it was just one injection into his front leg and within seconds he rested his head on OH's arm and was gone.

I asked the vet to listen for a heart beat( just to check) and she said it was enough to kill an elephant(!) but still checked for me.

We paid before taking him in  and were given the last appointment of the day so we could weep openly when we left.

On the way home the cat's bladder relaxed an he peed all over OH's lap in the car.

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[quote user="Nicos"]On the way home the cat's bladder relaxed an he peed all over OH's lap in the car.


I was fully prepared for this but in fact nothing of the sort ocurred, perhaps because Lira had struggled to go out and pee, and be sick, during her last afternoon and must have been empty. When I lifted her out of the car the next morning there was no mess no smell and apart from the cold, rigor stiffness, she might well have been sleeping. I had no hesitation in kissing goodbye what to others must have been 'just another dead animal'.

On another, brighter note, any moment now our new foster, a black Lab is due to arrive. Will post details in a few days. The anticipation of meeting a new friend never goes away.

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Fiona,    so nice from you, you re an angel..

Against all odds , Platon is still with us .. The vet had given him 5% chances of survival.. and it seems he s grabbed it!  For how long , no one can tell... Maybe a few weeks? The vet says " Im so happy for you, Im really so happy".. But he warned us that things could get worse all of a sudden. We cuddle him, we give him all our affection, and my son says he s sure it helps keep him alive for a bit longer..

We are at peace, we know this may be the last few weeks with him, he sleeps a lot, he's slow in his movements, but he seems peaceful, and happy to be home..

We had a wonderful day today , at home, cosy and warm..

Thank you really for being so kind . XX  

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Enjoy your days together-you will cherish them. Give him lots of cuddles and love. Platon is so much like my Suki who had to be put to sleep  a few years ago now. He was my son's cat and grew up with him and spent every night curled up on his bed.

We're all  still thinking of you.


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[quote user="triciajh"]

. He was my son's cat and grew up with him and spent every night curled up on his bed.

[/quote]  Yes, exactly like Platon and Guillaume..   and it started ten years ago..

This thread has allowed me to   know how many lovely and warm people there are on CF, and you ve all really supported me and given me courage, I want to thank you once again, you all my virtual friends.

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This helped me so much when I had to make the decision about my beautiful cat Phoebe, I hope it helps you.

If it should be that I grow weak, and pain should keep me from my sleep,

 Then you must do what must be done, For this last battle can't be won.

You will be sad I understand, don't let your grief then stay your hand,

For this day more than all the rest, Your love for me must stand the test.

We've had so many happy years, what is to come can hold no fears,

You'd not want me to suffer, so, The time has come,  please let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend, and please stay with me till the end,

Hold me firm and speak to me, until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time that you will see the kindness that you do for me ,

Although my tail it's last has waved, from pain and suffering I've been saved.

Please do not grieve, it must be you who has this painful thing to do,

We've been so close, we two, these years, don't let your heart hold back it's tears.

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What a beautiful poem-it brought tears  to my eyes and reminded me of the animals I have had to have put to sleep in my life.

I know it won't be long until I will have to face it with my fourteen year old Golden Retriever as she seems to suddenly have aged really quickly.

I will keep a copy of the poem-it's so lovely, and really touching.

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Am just awake after finishing a 12 hour night watch at 0800 this morning, the wind was howling round the building, blowing a severe gale force 9, very noisy, very cold, came home with a splitting headache,  the photo of Platon is the first thing I saw, and it put a smile on my face, he looks so relaxed and happy,  so glad, what a fighter, thank you for posting the photo.

Big hugs to you all


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