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I'm so sad ...


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My son and I just had our dinner in silence, crying.. We don't know what to do..

I think if by tomorrow evening his condition has not improved, I will take him back home , so that he can live his last days with us.

And when we  feel the time has come, I will call the vet to fix an appointment for putting him to sleep, and that will happen in my arms.




   You are all wonderful, thank you. So much.

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I think you are making the right decision Frenchie, I lost a beloved cat a few years ago and he too spent a couple of days at the vets on a drip beforehand, I dearly wish I had just gone in and taken him home for his last days, he would be much happier with you and you and your son can say your goodbyes.  This thread is so sad, we all know how you feel and the tears come easily to those who have felt this pain.

best wishes


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I so feel for you.  I had the same thing with an old cat of mine a few years ago.  In the end, I had him back home for one night, which he spent sleeping on my pillow next to me.  The next morning, I had him put down because he was so week; but at least he spent his last night at home, where he was happy.  Bon courage.[kiss]
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Your message made me cry again, but thank you, because now I know we have taken tyhe right decision and I feel relieved.

My son has asked me if we could take pictures tomorrow night..  I said yes of course .. We talked a lot tonight after we had taken our decision.

He said as far as he can remember, we ve always had Platon with us..   he said he was a family member to him, and he absolutely wants to be there when the cat is put to sleep. What do you think of his decision?? I am a bit worried, because he is only 13..

At the same time, I can understand him ........

I don't know if the vet can come home in France, don't think so .........


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Of course he/she'll come to your home - mine would.  They have to do home visits to large animals, after all.  Nicer for your cat, and for you.

If your son wants to be there, then I would let him.  It will be traumatic, I know, but it's normally quite a peaceful process.  And he may regret it for a long time if he's not there.

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Yes, vets make home visits but I don't live in rural France, I think our vet just takes care of cats and dogs....

Ill ask tomorrow anyway...

I am really surprised and happy to see how friendly and helpful and supportive you ve all been on this thread..

You helped us a lot , even in taking that decision..

XXXX from us .

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Hello Frenchie,  I very rarely post on the forum but I am sat here with tears in my eyes remembering the times I have been in your situation with various pets over the years and you have my deepest sympathy, it is such a hard decision to make, you want to keep them with you forever but know that you cannot be selfish.  From what you have said he has had a wonderful life with you and once you get over the sadness you will have some wonderful memories.

I agree with other posters, that if your son wants to you should let him be there at the end,  I still remember the hurt (nearly 60 years on) I felt when at about 13 I came home to be told that my dog had run away, and only finding out after weeks of searching that she had actually been put to sleep.

Best wishes to you and your son, I will be thinking of you at this very sad time.


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Thank you very much for posting..   All your messages really supported me , and G , because I told him about them.

I know this is all part of life and I find people at work have been very tough, they don't understand we can be very sad. You know , it s " only a cat"...

I am in fact sad to see my son is devastated, as much as for the loss of our little pet..

The boy had swollen eyes this morning.

This afternoon we ll go and see him , and we ll take him home, where he belongs. Tonight G will sleep with the cat on his bed, and it is the right thing to do, I m sure..

We will probably have the cat  put to sleep on saturday morning.

XXXXX  Merci à vous tous et toutes ...  

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You never know Frenchie- your lovely cat may pick up for a little while once back home and in familiar surroundings.

We had a 16 year old cat with kidney failure who was going blind because of it, and he lasted a few more weeks. Probably one week too many as it was so hard for us to finally make the decision. He was our first cat and we couldn't bear to be without him.

You'll know when it's time to let go- he knows you love him and will do whatever is the best thing for him.

I gently removed some of our cat's fur and bound the base with sewing thread and kept it for years. Maybe your son would like a little reminder like that?

Your cat will be so pleased to see you today!! Enjoy him whilst you can .

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I still have 2 little bundles of fur from our 2 cats.  I take them out now and again and put them on my face.  I feel them and I remember their little bodies when they cuddled up to us.

Frenchie, do that if you and G feel you'd like to.  Certainly, I got the idea from a friend of mine and I do feel I have a very tangible reminder of my pets.  We have photos too and a portrait in watercolour but the fur is so much more "real".

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That s a good idea indeed, we will keep that memory from Platon too...

He s here with us tonight and it feels so good and right to have him here. He s living his last days, but at least he s with us, and no one s crying tonight.

We went to the vet, we talked for a long time, everything was explained.

He proposed to put him to sleep today but we refused, we said we wanted him back, even for a few days and he said that was a good decision.

We have taken a few pics, and it s not really sad. it is just " the right thing".. Don't know how to explain it better..



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I will give him the cuddle of course !!

He s sleeping in G's bed, and G is relieved , because we ve taken him back, even if he knows that the end is near..

He even succeeded in having him eat a few biscuits from his hand tonight.

Merci for your support... XX

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Hello Frenchie,

I've been following this thread but haven't yet posted.  Everytime I catch up on it I start welling up again.  Our son's are the same age (as are we) and our cat often sleeps on my son's bed too, so I can't help feeling some affinity with you.

You are both in my thoughts, bon courage for the days to come <<<hugs>>> [:(]

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Merci beaucoup...

It s very nice from you to take the time to post a message. I read all of your messages to Guillaume.

He said that was very very nice.

G slept well tonight. But the cat didn't...  He wants to eb out, then in, then out again, he wants to eat, then drink, then he " miawwwws"  for long minutes...

The vet said he feels no pain, but I think the cat feels something s wrong with him.

I didn't sleep much, but I m happy he s here with us. And it s a sunny day.


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He does sound ill doesn't he?

Just a word of warning from my experience- eventually our cat was so wobbly he would fall off the bed after we had put him on it. He may need to sleep next to your sons bed soon.

Enjoy the day together.

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He s sleeping on the Hi fi, he s calmed down..  he s in the sun, he feels good, I can see it.

When we feel it is time for him to go, we'll call the vet.....................

I have to go to work this afternoon.. but G will eb back here at 5 ..

He won't be alone for too long.

Anyway, I think he s better here with us, in his environment..

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I've been wanting to post something to you here, but really I can't think of anything which seems sufficiently meaningful.

So I have given up on trying to say something which might help you and instead want to say thank you for posting this, as although it is so upsetting to read I know that I for one will have to go through this at some point.   I think it really does help to share these dreadful experiences.   If nothing else it has made me constantly seek out my cat for endless cuddles over last few days.    He may start avoiding me soon ...

Enjoy the time you have left.

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[quote user="londoneye"]

.   I think it really does help to share these dreadful experiences.   [/quote]

 Oh yes it does, it really does, and I'm sorry for upsetting you all. I just felt the need to share.

It s hard to lose our little companion, and it s hard for me to see my son so devastated.

Yes, of course this is part of life, and for G, it is his first experience of the death of a loved one..........

And Londoneye, .. your post helped!!

Thanks again.  And give a cuddle to your cat from us !


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We've all been there Frenchie (us cat lovers) we know what you're going through, let it out girl - it does help! 

He looks gorgeous! 

He reminds me of this wonderful cat I heard years ago - Arkeya.  I loved him so much.  He was poisoned in one of the fields where we used to live and it paralysed him.  One day I looked out of the kitchen window and he was just sitting there as he couldn't move the poor thing.  I took him to the vets and he kept him at his house for the weekend while he administered strong antibiotics and milk which apparently helps flush out the poison.  We got him back but he was never the same and he disappeared shortly after.  I suspect the person who put the poison down in the first place got him in the end!

Thinking of you but I'm working tonight and won't be back 'til Saturday - I'll sing a song for the three of you!

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