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Morphology of dogs labelled dangerous


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Somewhere recently I read details of the morphology of dogs labelled dangerous under French law (jaw dimensions etc). Can anybody tell me where I can find this info, so that I can be reasonably sure our Boxer x Staffie can have a safe holiday in France?  I've tried a search on the forum, but without success - any help gratefully received!


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The morphology is here http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000210847&dateTexte=

The latest (I think) law is here http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/13/dossiers/chiens_dangereux_protection.asp

Also, there has been clarification of the term Staffordshire Terrier, ... "attention: la 2ème catégorie n’inclut pas les Staffordshire Bull Terriers, race plus petite et sans dangerosité avérée.’’

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