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Leaving Party


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Not sure if im posting this on the right section but I was wondering if any ex pats had a leaving party and could offer some suggestions.  Obviously we will be having a French theme but are stuck for ideas for food/decorations/fancy dress etc.  I think my husband would prefer a Moulin Rouge theme!
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We had an Off-to-France Dance, it was brilliant!!

Local cakemaker (make the most of these, they don't exist in France!) made a lovely big cake in the shape of France, iced, with a red-white-blue ribbon round it.  I put an upside-down toy car, a toy cow, a toy farmer, etc, on it, with tags for "mad French driver", "mad French farmer" etc beside them.

I played violin/fiddle for the dances (with my band ) and a brilliant time was had by all.   I had blue, red, and silver dye in my hair too.

I made up a French flag with the central white bit for happy well-wishing messages on the night, and although the blue and red are faded now, it's still up on the wall.

The food was home-made Indian (mmmmmmm!), and the music was home-made too, but nobody was in any doubt as to where we were going.




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You could try partypacks.co.uk, they do a range of decorations with a French theme.  Not as creative as doing your own but easier if you are artistically challenged, like me!  Great idea about the cake though, I will make enquiries now for our party in November.  As we are moving to Normandy, I wonder if they could make it in the shape of a cow......
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Thanks for suggestions.  In the end we went for an "Allo Allo" theme, with an invite to "Cafe Rene" for the members of the resistance to say goodbye to Rene and Yvette! Lots of French maps and pictures up, red white and blue balloons, bunting etc and a huge inflatable bottle of champagne.  I (and many others) had far far too much to drink and we had loads of food left over so it was fairly usual for one of our parties!
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What do you mean, there are no cakemakers in France!!!!!!!!

No, they don't make cakes with three inch thick icing and marzipan, but you get lots of other wonderful french cakes, like the fraisier, made to any size you want and perfect for big occasions.

And they'll write what you want on in beautiful writing.

(I used to be engaged to a French `patissier' in my yoof!  Couldn't make a fruit cake though, a definite plus on the English side!)


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Who mentioned 3-inch-thick icing, are you on drugs?! 

Weird.  You have clearly been very unlucky in your choice of English cakemakers.  Should have seen the Real Rock Cake she did for our party for our geology A-level evening-class teacher, complete with fossils and all, a true work of art, and bloody delicious too.



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