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Wanted: Pygmy Goats


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We have recently moved to the St Hiaire-du-Harcouet region of Normandy and would like to get a little gathering of animals.

Does anyone know where we could get 2 pygmy goats?

We are also thinking of egg producing chickens, but not sure which variety.

We are novices at keeping both so any info would be helpful.

John & Sandra

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On the lighthearted side of things, I hope you can run fast as pygmy goats can and they go through your legs as I found out when a neighbour's group of three got out and ran riot in the village centre. Took several of us nearly two hours to round them up[:D]
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Hello JP we keep poultry without many problems. We started with 6 chooks from Gamm Vert, a bit pricey but superb quality birds, they've laid all through the year at least 2 eggs a day in the winter and now coming back into full lay with the lighter evenings We have 5 ducks also laying like good un's. The most satisfying thing was when a hen went broody, we put some eggs under her and now have the biggest Marran cockeral you 've ever seen.  I bought another 4 ducklings in the local market last week and they are now putting on weight.  I google Allotment Growing (uk website) for any advise, also ACL is an excelent web site.


Best of luck.



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