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Duck and Ducklings


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One of our minature silver appleyard ducks has successfully hatched her first brood, we have seperated her and the ducklings from the others, and have her in a poultry ark. She has been a fantastic mother, and is very watchful of any threat from our cats and dogs, they wouldn't touch them as they are well used to having allsorts running around!! My problem is she is neglecting her diet because she is so wrapped up in the ducklings! She is eating a bit, but has lost weight, and any time I put a particularly nice tit bit in to tempt her appetite, she lets the ducklings have it![8-)] When can I seperate her from the ducklings and return her to the flock? As that's the only way I think I will get her to eat normally. Once back with the others will she forget about being a mum? Or, as we intend to keep at least some of the ducklings, will she just pine to be back with them? What age can I safely put the ducklings into the flock?[8-)] Any help much appreciated!

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One of our muscovies recently hatched out 8 ducklings. We don't have any "alternative accommodation" so they have had to take their chances in the chicken house at night. They follow her in nicely when it starts to get dark and they seem to survive being trodden on occasionally. The risk is from predators.

She also had them on the pond on the first day.

I understand you worrying about the food aspect - much weight must be lost when they are broody on the eggs. Just keep trying with the treats, and make sure food and water are always available. Water is most important - put a large  flattish container in the ark.

I wouldn't think of separating her from them yet. The ducklings continue to follow for ages. I know if we tried to keep ours away she would become very upset and aggressive. She attacked me once when I was trying to free a duckling that was stuck.

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Thanks for that, I leave an old roasting dish full of water in the ark at all times, as well as a proper drinker, they love it[:D]They are now 2 and a half weeks old, and I am currently feeding them a mix between chick crumbs and growers pellets slowly phasing out the crumb. I put a container of mixed corn and layers pellets in for mum, and in a high sided dish to make it difficult for them to reach it, but the little darlings[:-))] are nicking that as well!

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