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Pet passport


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I have never taken much notice of pet passport threads because I never needed to, but.......now I do.

Our cat, here in Sharjah, is fully jabbed up to date and chipped,below is a photo of the vaccination record we have:-


Is this a "pet passport", or acceptable as one? The vet says it is but it would be a tad awkward to find out on arrival in Europe that it is not acceptable.

If it is not can anyone post a photo of what a pet passport actually looks like.

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Where are you going in Europe, if France then as long as you have a rabies jab you will be fine, if the UK it's a whole other issue and you need the blood tests to confirm anti-bodies and all of that mularky.


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I intend to fly the cat into C de G not UK as the cat will be living in France.

The lower of the two stickers against 29Mar2008 is the rabies vaccine. 'Rabvac 1' from Fort Dodge Animal health  USA.

The blood test was done anyway and was ok.but I have no record, I just paid the bill.

What about worming and tick stuff, any requirements for entry to France?

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I don't think so but I will let some one more knowledgable answer, in my experience when entering France they don't even look at the animal let alone the paperwork but that's at the ports and out of the UK so might be different for you.

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Hi Steve

My cat travels back and forth from the UK to France with me and it is only on the UK return that her passport has to be checked - it is purely to keep rabies out of the UK as far as I understand.

From the UK we roll aboard the tunnel and off the other side with nary a glance. (Other than for people to say 'what an unusual cat what is she?'!)

However, fyi, and since I took the photo before I realized you were not coming via the UK, I'll try to show you what the real thing looks like! Not sure if the pic will load as I haven't done it before....

pet passport.JPG



Edit - I am so rubbish - how does one load a pic? Anyway, suffice to say it is quite a different document from the one you have - a blue EU booklet.
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[quote user="powerdesal"]If it is not can anyone post a photo of what a pet passport actually looks like.

Here is one:


I don't know anything to help you bring a cat in to EU from outside. Sorry

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The info' you need should be here, Steve.


Vous souhaitez ramener en France un chat, un chien ou un furet

Vous séjournez en-dehors de l'Union européenne et vous avez l'intention de ramener un chien, un chat ou un furet en France (5 animaux maximum)

Une réglementation européenne encadre les mouvements des carnivores domestiques (chats, chiens et furets) afin de limiter le risque d'introduction de maladies animales, notamment la rage.

Lors de votre arrivée sur le territoire communautaire, vous devez pouvoir justifier que votre animal répond à toutes les conditions sanitaires cumulatives imposées par le règlement (CE) n° 998/2003 du 26 mai 2003. Les services douaniers vérifieront le respect de toutes les conditions sanitaires cumulatives imposées par le règlement (CE) n° 998/2003 du 26 mai 2003.

Aussi, si vous souhaitez ramener un chat, un chien ou un furet d'un pays tiers (situé hors de l'Union européenne), pensez à respecter les recommandations suivantes :

- faites tatouer votre chien ou faites lui implanter un transpondeur électronique (micropuce) sous la peau (s'il s'agit d'un achat, rappelez-vous que le tatouage est réalisé aux frais du vendeur);

- assurez-vous que la vaccination antirabique sera valable au moment de votre voyage (pensez aux rappels de vaccination). S'il s'agit de la première vaccination de l'animal contre la rage, elle doit être réalisée au moins 30 jours avant le voyage;

- au moins 3 mois avant le voyage, faites réalisez un titrage sérique des anticorps antirabiques (examen de laboratoire effectué sur un prélèvement sanguin et permettant de s'assurer de l'efficacité de la vaccination contre la rage) dans un laboratoire agréé de l'Union européenne (liste des laboratoires sur le site Europa).

Le résultat du titrage sérique, qui devra être supérieur ou égal à 0,5 UI/litre, sera valide durant toute la vie de l'animal, sous réserve que la vaccination contre la rage soit constamment maintenue en cours de validité (rappels de vaccination effectués dans les délais requis).

En outre, les animaux en provenance des pays tiers suivants sont dispensés du titrage sérique (Règlement (CE) n° 998/2003 – annexe 2 – partie B section 2 et partie C) : Andorre, Antigua et Barbuda, Antilles néerlandaises, Argentine, Aruba, Australie, Bahreïn, Barbade, Belarus, Bermudes, Bosnie-et-Herzégovine, Bulgarie, Canada, Chili, Croatie, Emirats Arabes Unis, Etats Unis d’Amérique (y compris Guam), Fidji, Hong Kong, Iles de l’Ascension, Iles Caïman, Iles Falkland, Iles Wallis et Futuna, Islande, Jamaïque, Japon, Liechtenstein, Maurice, Mayotte, Mexique, Monaco, Montserrat, Norvège, Nouvelle Calédonie, Nouvelle Zélande, Polynésie Française, Fédération de Russie, Saint Christophe et Nevis, Sainte Hélène, San Marin, Saint Pierre et Miquelon, Saint Vincent et les Grenadines, Singapour, Suisse, Taiwan, Trinidad-et-Tobago,Vatican, Vanuatu.

N'oubliez pas de faire établir un certificat sanitaire, conforme au modèle publié au JOUE L358 du 3/12/2004 (au format PDF), (au format PDF) par un vétérinaire officiel du pays d'origine. Ce certificat reprend les éléments mentionnés ci-dessus (identification, vaccination antirabique et, le cas échéant, titrage sérologique).
Vous aurez à présenter au service des douanes qui réalise le contrôle ce certificat sanitaire accompagné des justificatifs relatifs à la vaccination et au titrage.


I read this, for you, as : Mirochip/tatoo : Yes;  Rabies jab : Yes;  General Health Check (Certificat Sanitaire) : Yes; Passport : No;  Blood test : No;   Flea and worming treatment : No mention(but may be part of the Certificate requirement)

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Hi Steve

First question, how's Sharjah right now, we've just escaped Kuwait this February...it was hot...[:D]

Ok, serious parts now.

We just flew our three dogs into CDG from KWI using EK, great service provided by EK, especially as they had to travel cargo rather than excess baggage.

How are you intending to book the cat, as excess baggage or cargo, it will make a bit of a difference when getting to CDG, not with the paperwork but with where you can collect the animal.

If you're going to be shipping as cargo then you're going to need to get a clearance agent at the cargo terminal (which is quite some way away from the passenger terminal), OK you are I believe allowed to try to clear cargo yourself, but speaking as a person in the shipping business I would not recommend trying to do so. I have a great agent at CDG/Roissy who'd be able to do it if shipping as cargo.

For excess baggage the paperwork should basically all be the same, in that the cat has to have various vaccinations (especially rabies and to have had this certified) and to have with it the completed and certified form EU988, then if the immigration/customs guys at CDG feel like it they can check them or refer you to the airport vet office for further checking (beware the airport vets close for a 2 hour lunch...!)

Let me know what papers you have so far, suggest by private PM then we can see if we can help you further.



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