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Any idea..?


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My dog ( labrador X husky ) , has a a lot of rumbling in his tummy  , since this  morning. It s unbelievably loud..

[blink] Dunno what may have caused that ..

I can already hear some cheeky comments,.. but can anyone tell me what it can be ?

He seems quiet, he 's on the sofa, sleeping..

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

[:-))] Ohhhhh

 No farting :!!

We don't do that here in the family !!

French people do not fart, didn't you know that ??


Neither do I [:$]. 

Well except after too many crepes and cider.

Seriously though, it made me really ill, the noises from my stomach were really really loud.  I have never suffered like this before.  It was as though I had four stomachs.  In the end I started panicking and I came out in a cold sweat.

Well wouldn't anyone? [blink]

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He s fine today, we took him to the countryside, he ran, ate some grass, the rumbling is over, he is energetic as always ( wasn't so much yesterday..)

Thanks for asking Odile !

This is him Odile , he s named Shadow [IMG]http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r20/regine79/shad08.jpg[/IMG]

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Fantastique - j'adore ses oreilles! Go Shadow, go!  Mine is a beauceronXalsatian called Gatsby. Found by the roadside in Swiss Alps - she has globulous eyes, a flat back and back legs longer than front legs - terrified of guns and fireworks, loves the cats, hates all the other dogs! Adorable. Et OUF pour Shadow- donne-lui un gros calin de ma part et un gros bisou de Gatsby

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