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Advice on where in France

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]Well, quite simply, there is a mass exodus of under 25's and older from Spain because unemployment among that age group in Spain is so eyewateringly high. And these are qualified, intelligent young people, with degrees, experience and everything, moving to the UK to work in pubs, hotels, factories, anywhere they can earn a living.[/quote]

Met one of them on a train going from Stansted. Graduate, with decent Aero Eng degree. No job in Spain, so he had found a job in the UK. BAe? No, barman in London. He expected his girlfriend to join him within a couple of months - again, service sector job.

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Research again and again.  Visit French and other property exhibitions, but don't believe everything they say, especially about the temperature - it is COLD down here in winter.

Finding jobs is impossible (I gave up and waited until I'd retired), being self employed is difficult, you need to speak the language, in certain parts the locals are excessively against incomers .... it is not always the best option.

I spent 10 years researching (it was my job) and still we didn't get it all right... rent first, and in winter (definitely) but also see the place in summer - we didn't, it's hot here!  Stop being on holiday when you come and act as a local ... teh local fete is not typical, and they all die in the winter, and the villages are completely shut up ... like Idun, not bitter, just realistic. It may be better to have a holiday home (think about upkeep when you are not there) and stay in the UK as you don't seem to want to move permanently, so is it worth it?

By the way, I have a house for sale within your price range .... ;)

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