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A Sad Day


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When this happened to me a couple of years ago, I posted on here like you, and was overwhelmed by the support of people.  It is such a sad thing, and my heart goes out to you.  Someone posted me a poem, and I can't remember how it goes, but the gist of it is that your dog will play in heaven with the other dogs until one day his ears prick up and he turns and runs to be reunited with his owner.  It's not the sort of thing I would normally read, but it was a lovely and comforting image.

We were going to wait about 6 months before getting another dog, but in the end got one a few weeks later.  We couldn't bear the house feeling so empty.

Good luck,



Edit:  I wasn't swearing above ... lets just say his ears perk up!

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The following is a song that always makes me cry, but it is sooo beautiful. Really poetic, by one of the great French singers Jean Ferrat

He composed it for his dog, OURAL, who had passed away.


Jean Ferrat (France)

C'est dans l'aube chère à Verlaine
Que tu courais notre domaine
Humant l'air des quatre saisons
Odeurs de thym et de bruyère
Sous tes pattes fraîches légères
S'élevaient comme une oraison
Berger des landes familières
Tu vivais digne et solitaire
Animal doué de raison
J'écris ce jour anniversaire
Où tu reposes sous la terre
A deux pas de notre maison

Hourrah oural ouralou
Oural ouralou

Hourrah oural ouralou
Oural ouralou

On voit souvent des souveraines
A la place des rois qui règnent
Rien qu'en posant leurs yeux dessus
Il faut se méfier du paraître
De nous deux qui était le maître
Nous ne l'avons jamais bien su
Tu vécus la vie parisienne
La nuit sur les quais de la Seine
Les music-halls et les tournées
Et cette vie qui fût la mienne
Il me semble que tu l'entraînes
A la semelle de tes souliers

Hourrah oural ouralou
Oural ouralou

Hourrah oural ouralou
Oural ouralou

Jour après jour il faut l'admettre
Voir ceux qu'on aime disparaître
C'est ce qui fait vieillir trop tôt
Au paradis des chiens peut-être
Ton long museau à la fenêtre
Tu nous accueilleras bientôt
Au triple galop caracole
Je vois tes pattes qui s'envolent
Chevauchant l'herbe et les nuées
Le vent siffle dans ton pelage
Vole vole mon loup sauvage
Comme au temps des vertes années

Hourrah oural ouralou
Oural ouralou

Hourrah oural ouralou
Oural ouralou

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Four Feet in Heaven

Your favorite chair is vacant now...
No eager purrs to greet me.
No softly padded paws to run
Ecstatically to meet me.

No coaxing rubs, no plaintive cry
Will say it's time for feeding.
I've put away your bowl, and all
The things you won't be needing;

But I will miss you little friend,
For I could never measure
The happiness you brought me,
The comfort and the pleasure.

And since God put you here to share
In earthly joy and sorrow;
I'm sure there'll be a place for you
In Heaven's bright tomorrow...

Alice E. Chase

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Thanks Poppy I am so grateful.  It is tough and the mornings are difficult with the so-called routines that I had to do.  I remember Jean Claude with so much love and in his pomp he truly was a wonderful specimen.  I have had so many Bassets and he was by far the most handsome and he knew it.  I remember the walks through Chepstow woods and where we once lived.  I remember the holidays at our then Normandie second home with all its land and just opening the front door and to see him return some time later after a joyous time in the grounds.

The simple things are now missing and I have to close now for I am in tears and as I said before I do not think I can get through this its is destroying me.

I am sorry for the lateness of the acknowledgement but have been away for a few days and the empty house on our return has just about broken me.

with my kindest regards

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