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Poisoning by anti-freeze.


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Just a warning to people now the cold weather is starting, Please Please Please, if you are using anti-freeze make sure you mop up spills and close containers. I have just lost the most beautiful cat to anti-freeze poisoning, he was only 3, and, because he was so young, tried so hard to stay with us but eventually it became clear that there was no chance of recovery.  It is a vile way to go and I would not wish on anyone my heartbreak. Enzo was a beautiful boy, and just too good to be true.[:'(]

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Jo, I am so sorry to read about your lovely cat, you must be devastated and I wish that there were words to make you feel better, but of course, there aren't.   

I have known about the danger of anti-freeze for many years and always worry about my dogs.  I believe that it is sweet tasting and so the animals are attracted to it.  Our garage door is always kept locked because my old car leaks a bit of oil and I can never be certain that there is not any anti-freeze there on the floor as well.

My very best wishes.

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Thank you all so much for your sympathy, unfortunately no matter how careful we are about storing chemicals etc, having ducks and chickens and dogs as well, you can't account for your neighbours. Lovely people who would be gutted if they thought they were responsible.  I miss the little fella so much.

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On thismornings UK news there was a case of a woman who put down cat food laced with antifreeze because she claimed that the neighbours cats were urinating on her strawberry plants. She said that she thought the antifreeze would just make the cats a bit poorly.

I'd forcefeed her antifreeze.
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