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1 'whole' cat


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There is a terrific poster which shows 2 cats at the top, then a series of rows of ever-increasing cat numbers, with a timeline down the side.  Wonder if anyone can find it on the Web.  We could send it to all the people we know who can't be bothered to sterilise their pets......

Chrissie (81)

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We had our cat sterilised in Nov.2008 - see this thread, started by Claire:


But in April this year she gave birth to 5 kittens [8-)]

Went back to the vet's and he said he would re-do the op. in 4 weeks time. But too late - she was already carrying 5 more! He did the op. though.

So at this rate she could, in theory, have 5 kittens every 13 weeks! Which is 20 pa..

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[quote user="Chrissie"]

There is a terrific poster which shows 2 cats at the top, then a series of rows of ever-increasing cat numbers, with a timeline down the side.  Wonder if anyone can find it on the Web.  We could send it to all the people we know who can't be bothered to sterilise their pets......

Chrissie (81)



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  • 2 weeks later...
Think you missed the '?'  RH.  

As far as your advice- I can assure you I do both and have done for a long time, as sterilising is absolutely paramount in trying to solve the awful problem of abandoned and unwanted dogs and cats. I cannot understand how anybody in animal rescue could possibly refute this and even think of justifying anything else.

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 No Swissie, I didn't miss anything  however I think you need to think about the 'real' world, not what we'd all like.  Of course sterilising is ideal, but often life just isn't ideal and we have to be content with doing what we can... what would you rather, the rescues rehome 'whole' cats and hope they are sterilised or that that the cats die, you choose !
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It is an extremely hard choice - almost impossible. And yet, I'd rather NOT re-home than badly re-home. If animals are not sterilised, it is just a terrible, dreadful vicious circle.  Most SPAs and the RSPCA have come to that conclusion. I'd rather put an animal to sleep than to badly re-home or to keep for years behind bars.  And I can assure you, it is not a choice taken lightly - but at our local refuge, we have come to the conclusion that if people are not prepared to pay for sterilisation (and we get a really good rate as we work closely with our local vets and vet school), they are unlikely to be prepared to properly care for a cat or a dog- and probably allow many many more unwanted animals to be born. For cats, about 12 a year and keep multiplying. That IS the reality.

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