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Newly adopted


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We seem to have been adopted by a young cat. He seems to be well socialised and in good health. We've never been slaves to a cat so, apart from a visit to the vet to have his **ts cut off (any ideas of the cost?) what else do we need to buy / do?


FairyNuff (and Sandy)
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Make sure he gets microchipped so you can get him back if he wanders off (or is stolen).

Not necessary but nice:  A bed (cast-off clothing of yours may appeal better though), the odd toy.  Will he need a catflap? 

If you don't want to be slaves, feed him twice a day and LIFT UP THE PLATE when he has eaten all he wants.  Cats love to have food always sitting around for the odd snack, but it tends to smell and in hot weather it attracts flies etc, not to mention other cats and wildlife!  Leave water around all the time though.

And never give him milk.

Easy peasy!

What a lucky chap he is to have stumbled on you[:)].

Chrissie (81)

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[quote user="Poppy"]We were adopted and it lasted 18 lovely years. As long as we gave lots of love, and food we were rewarded 1000's of times over. Enjoy, enjoy,enjoy. Let M Cat decided where he likes to sleep and make that area comfy;


That says it all really.  Sadly, our little chap was older than we (or the vet) thought he was, and we only had him for 4 yrs.  Good time though and we miss him greatly.

He'll organise you, rather than the other way round.  That's cats.

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Thanks for the replies. At the moment we're feeding him dry food, with water always down. He hasn't slept inside at night yet, we're open plan so I'm a bit twitchy about that. He came inside for the first time yesterday, it's true about cats being curious, he was into all the nooks & crannies, sweeping out the cobwebs. At the moment he's chosen my usual chair, cheeky b*gger! having a wash. We'll talk to some friends about the vets they use and see how we go from there.

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We found our tabby cat in the barn when we arrived, a poor skeletal little thing about 4 or  5 months old.  It took a while to tame her - but now she rules the roost over us and 3 dogs!  We had her spayed to avoid any more cats.  We think she was an escapee from the previous owner's group of semi feral cats which he kept outside as mousers presumably.  I dread to think how he got rid of them when he left, we found one dead under our gas tank and another little skeleton later on in the barn.  Someone did tell me that he drove them into the countryside and dumped them!  So our little cat had a lucky escape!

She likes to eat a certain make of dry food in the summer and we keep a bowl of this and water on a table in the hall (out of dog reach) for her as she likes to snack!  Apparently cats do like to snack.  Having started on scraps of this and that to tame her, she is now as picky as you like about what she will and won't eat!  No cat flap, so we are the resident door openers!

She is a delightful little cat, considering her start in life, is very affectionate and likes to sleep on her blanket on a corner of the sofa, if not on the bed in winter!  That is when she is not out all night during the summer months.  A lap in front of the fire will do nicely on winter evenings.  She also likes to take an evening walk with the dogs.  The don't seem to mind.  If we go too far for her, she just waits to rejoin us on the way back.

Usual annual vaccinations (including anti-rage) and I worm her 6 monthly, as with the dogs.  As already mentioned, don't give cats milk.  Watch out for certain make of flea/tick treatment for dogs which is highly toxic to cats (if you have dogs).  OK if your cat does not really come into contact with your dogs and does not sleep in their bedding etc. 

Good luck, I am sure he will bring you lots of joy! 


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