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HELP! Need a Vet in Paris late Saturday (9/25/10) afternoon or on SUNDAY for the DEFRA-required flea and Tick Treatment


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Any ideas? I'm a bit panicked at this point. We're booked on the chunnel train Monday morning at 11, and don't arrive into Paris until Saturday morning. I have an appointment with a vet at 11 am, but even if the plane is completely on time, I'm likely to miss that appointment. What with this crazy 24-48 hour window, this feels really challenging!

In order to make it to my friend's job on Tuesday morning, we need to cross on Monday.

HELP!! Any and all viable suggestions welcome!!
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This might help.  When my son took his cats through the tunnel last year they had come from the US six months earlier and some of the documents from there were missing a date of some sort..... anyway by the by, the Channel Tunnel authorities wouldn't let the cat through without a vet stamping a paper and they had a list of vets in the area.  My son was able to get to a vet and have what was necessary done - with the tunnel trains you can get on the next one usually without problems if you miss the one you were lined up for. I think that quite a few people get there with 'bits missing' off the paperwork or their 48 hour tick and wormer have slipped so the local vets come to the rescue.  If I were you I wouldn't bother trying to make the vet appointment in Paris - just head straight for Calaise and get it sorted there - I am sure someone will be able to advise you.

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Thank you! As for clarity, I guess I wasn't too clear. My panic has me not thinking straight.

So the scoop is that I am flying from the U.S. to Paris arriving Sat morning and then trying to take the chunnel train (a friend is coming with her car from the UK side) into the UK on Monday. Everything but this flea/tick/tapeworm thing is taken care of.

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'What with this crazy 24 - 48 hour window'

So what is crazy about it - for the treatment to be effective 24 hours have to pass, the 48 hours gives a cut-off to reduce the risk of any re-infection.

You obviously know what the requirements are and should have therefore planned you journey accordingly. I am sure that the US authorities would make no concession to someone entering the US because of a crazy US requirement.

I have just posted my observations of someone trying to get on a shuttle before the 24 hours was up - they did not, they were issued a Refusal to Transport' notice and told to come back after 24 hours had elapsed.

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If you get to a vet asap on Saturday you have plenty of time for the 24 hours to pass before you need to head out on Monday.  What you need to do is try to find a vet who is open or who will do it on an after hours appointment on Saturday.  Depending on what time you think you will arrive in Calaise?  Or, alternatively, find a vet in Paris who will do it before you head out to the coast.  It all depends on your time schedule and where you plan to stay the night and how you are getting to Calaise?  But it can be done.  Google vets in the area you think you will be and 'phone them.  good luck.

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