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My (French) partner and I are moving to Chauvigny, next year, and are spending time there increasingly often and for longer periods.

We haven't yet taken our dog -an 8 y.o. Cairn Terrier who suffers from really severe atopic dermatitis. When this flares up - 3/4 times a year - his paws bleed severely and he's lame and in intense pain.

A few questions:

1. Does anyone know of any particularly good vets in the area (Poitiers and Chatellerault would be within easy reach)?

2. Does anyone have any recommendations for good pet insurance? Realistically, no one is going to insure him for this pre-existing condition, I know.

Any thoughts or shared experiences would be very welcome.

With thanks and best wishes

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Sorry you haven't had any replies, Paul.  I can't help with the vet enquiry as I am not in your area but it may be worth repeating the post under the appropriate  regional section in case someone living locally picks it up and has some ideas.  Regarding the pet insurance, it is not as common here as in the UK but there is a thread under the Pets section which might shed some light - see http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/1528917/ShowPost.aspx.

Good luck,


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Could you at least stock up on the meds you need for the chronic skin condition before you settle in France? I can't help regarding the insurance situation but, having had a dog with a similar problem, that's what we used to do.

Best of luck, it's horrible having to watch a pet in such discomfort with these skin conditions.
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You shouldn't have any problems purchasing the medication for your dog at your local pharmacy when you move.  Unlike the UK, where you have to get a prescription or see your vet, I have purchsed Aurizon and Fradexam for my dog from a local pharmacy, and I take sufficient quantities back with me.  My fourteen year old Cocker is on a maintenance dose of both of these.  They are also much cheaper in France then in the UK.
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Thank you to all the previous posters: I'm really grateful to you for taking the time to read and reply.

To Val d'ouest: Yep - sensible suggestion and I had posted in the 'West' forum, which covers Poitou-Charentes and got one good recommendation, although it's a long way from home (well over an hour's drive, I'd say.)

To virginia c and Robbie34: It's reasuring that we should be able to buy medication: he's on Atopica and on a monthly immuno-suppressant injection which the consultant dermatologist supplies once a year (at £350 a pop!) Our big worry is that he needs loads of vet visits to prevent cysts developing and then 'bursting' and bleeding, since that leads to lameness, pain and potentially serious infection. And you're so right: it's awful seeing them suffer - from a bright, affectionate, vocal and very funny little dog, he lapses into a whimpering, lethargic shadow of what he was.

Anyway, once again, a very sincere thank you (and more suggestions/comments still welcome!)
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Next time you're in France why not just ask around locally about a vet from anyone you see walking a dog, or even ask at the Mairie or local café? I presume from your first post you've got no language problems which is a step ahead of some folk!

You might well find that the local vets are really well clued up.

That's what we did 20 years ago, pre-internet and pre hordes of Brits about. By word of mouth and some common-sense sifting of the replies we found vets, doc, dentist etc.

I took our elderly dog's skin medecine along, and in my then not brilliant French explained about the stuff, which was new to them, and the vets were really interested.

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I know of two vets in Chauvigny, one at the back of the town square, two older guys who I thought were ok util they were terrible when my old cocker spaniel was very ill, told me I was giving up on her for not prolonging her agony, I was distraught and there comments were hurtful, she was 17 at the time and they wanted to operate!  They did agree for her to be PTS and then also messed that up and she lived for a good 10 minutes post the final injection, all in all very traumatic. 

The other Vet is on the road out of town towards Potiers (though still not far from the center but just after the bridge over the Vienne), he is a young vet in a clinic and is very nice.  Worth a try to save a long journey.

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it would maybe worth going into a couple of local vets and ask them how they would treat the condition if it arises. You only really know if the vet is any good when it comes to treatment. Our vet is lovely but then we only need them for the pre uk return visit and thankfully haven't needed them in a crisis.
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