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What a fun journey back to the UK.....


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On our last evening in France we closed the shutters rather than in the early morning as bats roost behind one so wanted to close them before they returned.

The house got very hot with the shutters closed even with the windows open and the dog (Lace) was suffering. We therefore decided to get up and leave as the car would be cooler.

Just before turning on the the A20 to head up to Montauban and beyond we stopped at an Aire at 05:20. Yve took Lace for a walk whilst I nipped over to the loo. I got back to the car and Yve and Lace started to head back. All of a sudden Lace must have got the scent of something and slipped the lead and started running all over the place.

For 50 minutes we were sure that we would not see her again and that we would be reporting her missing and, with the collar in our hands her identity tags.

Fortunately, she came near and being exhausted Yve managed to grab her, put the collar on tight and get her back in the car.

We drove off with a terrible feeling in the pit of our stomach as to what could have been.


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[quote user="Patf"]What a relief that you caught her! If she had got onto the motorway [:'(]
Hoping you'll be able to live permanently in France soon, and don't need to do that journey so often.

Thanks Pat - and yes, you can imagine the thoughts that were going through our minds. Perhaps the time was an important factor - 05:20 on a Sunday so it was quiet.

As for living in France permanently, that is still over 5.5 years off due to the health changes.

We decided that we would sell up and buy somewhere cheaper in the UK and spend 6 months + 1 day in the UK and 6 months - 1day in France spending 2 months at a time. So that would only be three return trips.

We found where we would like to live and was working towards that when it seemed that France might have to change its health regulations. We discussed whether to change plans and the thought will France change the rules plus we had decided on a quiet seaside place so thought we would keep plans as they are and decide once we have retired.

So things seem to be under way for when I retire next April. House is under offer, offer accepted in our chosen location. Will either buy a large caravan and stay in that during the week so I can go to work or Yve will stay in the new house and I will get accommodation at work.

And via a very long route, yes three times sounds better than five returns. Plus, we are looking forward to meandering down visiting all those interesting places we see from the autoroute.

How is your house sale going?


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