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Rabies jab before leaving England?


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A friend of ours is getting a new puppy very soon. They spend a load of time over here as they have a replica Dutch barge they spend most of the summer on. They are trying to find out if it's a cheaper option to bring the puppy over and have it rabies jabbed here rather than the U.K. Or indeed if it is legal/possible to do so?

I have done a search on it and can't find any info, so any ideas please? Oh, and if anyone could say what the price of a rabies jab is here that would be a bonus. We can't find the cost in our last rabies jab because it's all mixed up with her CT[:-))]

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I am not sure that you could legally bring an unvaccinated puppy into France - you certainly cannot do it with a dog, but there are some derrogations for puppies, but I do not know the details.


Having said that the consencus seems to be that no one checks UK to France.

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I think your right andy his injextions would need to be done before he travels . Dependng which country they are buying the animal. The french dont check coming in but my passports are checked leaving the uk... They ask when your coming back and and check the retun dates against the passport , now its 21 one days any one staying longer would have the time I guess to get them done . 
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