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Deadly flea and tick treatment

Mrs Trellis

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Mrs Rabbie is a vet and has prescribed Bravecto to many of her clients dogs. We have also used it on our own much loved dogs. We have had no reports of any side effects. We have not seen any reports in the Veterinary Press about these side effects so I wonder how accurate these reports are
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This was put on FB by a rescue organisation. It was sent by the owner of an adopted dog:

" He was only 4 years old and died after a visit to the vet. He was put on a new flea chewable that took his life less than 24 hours after taking it. Our other dog who went to the vet at the same time and was prescribed the same flea chewable almost died on Friday from the same medicine. At this time we are not sure he will still make it as there is no antidote for it and our research has shown that several dogs have died within 30 days due to liver and kidney failure after taking this medication. "

They were naturally terribly upset. Who knows? It could have been a bad batch or some animals have an extreme reaction. Worrying though.
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This is worrying. Last October our vet gave me a chewable tablet for my dog - she said it would rid her of fleas within 48hrs. As it was she didn't have fleas. However with great effort to get the dog to take the tablet, she immediately sicked it up.  We didn't try again and just left it.  Still no  fleas.

Last week Facebook ran something about tick treatment causing terrible sores on the skin - this may have been some sort of scam - Frontline & Advantix.

Finally - Drontex worming tablet. My dog has been given them the last two times before returning to the UK - both times they've made her sick.

What are they putting in Vet meds?????

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What are they putting in meds?

What do you think? Medications to help our pets fight infections etc.

Yes a few pets will be susceptible and I too have had a cat who would throw up just about anything forced down the throat, but would happily talk the same meds nicely wrapped in a tasty piece of meat.

Mrs T

You read one Facecrook report and panic message the world - so giving credence and air to idiots who have grudges, a need to be heard or whatever.

I have seen countless reports of the end of the world - and either this is now a post apocalyptic bad dream or they were as wrong as your poster.


May give you some assurance, but JeanS will note that one side effect is vomiting.

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