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Dog Training Classes in Dept 17?


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I am a qualified and very experienced dog trainer, although not in

department 17 you can come and stay and we can do intensive work


I could also help if you have a particular problem with the dog via e-mail etc.

Check out the website for more info. If you need any help or advice I would be willing to help.

All the best


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From a dog training perspective you need to be very careful

and possibly very firm about what training techniques you allow.

In my experience (of quite a few clubs now) and from

comments others have made, French dog training is very different from the

UK.  In the UK, force is not used,

hitting your dog, jerking the lead, etc. are not used.  UK uses (or APDT classes) only use positive

methods.  In the UK the days of “Barbara

Woodhouse” has long ago passed. 

Unfortunately much of France still is those “old times”.  Choke chains are common and pronged choke

chains not unknown, hitting your dog seen as a valid training method.

As an example, at my current dog club, to do the obedience

training classes you are required to use a chain choke collar !! (though this

is not a universal requirement at all clubs).

I have even experienced an instructor hitting my own dog !!

(I never hit my dog).

I actually do agility rather than obedience, but to an

extent the same problems exist.  I avoid

them by not letting others handle my dog. 

At my previous club, the instructor regularly took somebody else’s dog

to show them what to do (which often involved a lot of shouting and “physical

handling”).  Never happened to

mine.  I actually felt slightly proud in

the agility in that unlike others, when my dog did it wrong I just turned my

back and walked away, but when something was done correct great praise and lots

of fuss.  As a result she learnt the

obstacles at a speed nobody in the club had ever seen before (even some open

mouths with amazement during the 1st class).  Then after quite some time I started

noticing one or two others started changing their own training methods.

In French dog training techniques, dominance is an important

issue.  The approach is more along the

lines of how to “make your dog do something” rather than how to “make you dog

want to do something” (i.e. UK techniques are to get you dog to want to do want

you say rather than to do something by threat on something unpleasant).


However, visit a number of clubs to “check them out”.  Then be absolutely firm about what training

methods you allow to be used with your dog. 

If they do something you are not happy with, then just go to the edge of

the class and wait.  This does work and

does not cause people to be negative to you.

Before joining ask what equipment is necessary and anything

like choke chains being required – find somewhere else.  Any club worth considering will let you do a

couple of classes before joining.


In France, you tend to join a dog club and pay only an

annual subscription (e.g. 100€ plus or minus). 

Classes are then part of the club. 

Also, many dog clubs sell dog food cheap (so you can get a saving back

on you subscription).  In the UK you

often pay for training by the class (i.e. so much per class).

A lot of French clubs do several disciplines.  Most will do the basic dog training sit,

stay, walk in circles, etc.) but most will also do other stuff like agility,

defence, ring, the formal obedience, etc.. 

Most meet on Sat afternoons (many also on Wed and Sunday for more

advanced stuff).  N the Sats what many

do is an hour dog training followed by a break and then “something else” e.g.

beginners agility.

Many dog clubs will require you to present your dog’ rabies

vaccination certificate and some proof of 3rd party civil liability

insurance (normally included as part of your house insurance but check with

your agent if you are unsure).

I speak little French and all the clubs I have been members

of and visited have no English speakers. 

However, everybody is very friendly, helpful, etc. and language is not

an issue.  I am dragged into things

(I’ve been invited to “open” agility training at several different clubs around

the region with other club members), visitors from other clubs have invited me

to come to their club now and again for training – all very friendly.  After all, everybody has a common interest –



Remember to be absolutely firm about how your dog is

treated.  This does not cause problems

with instructors and other club members (they even respect it).


In the above, I am not suggesting that the French people are

mistreating their dogs, not that there is any cruelty, not that French people

do not care for their dogs, etc. - they care very much for their dogs but are

using outdated training methods.  There

are signs that things are changing but slowly.

Don’t let my comments discourage you in any way.  Do find a club and do join.  Being aware of the issues means you can

easily avoid them.


I have sent you a Private Message with a list of dog

training clubs in 17

Hope this helps.  Let

me know if you need clubs in neighbouring departments.




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