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Disabled and VERY confused indeed!

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Note that I've edited that last post quite a lot so if you're reading it on email you should come to the forum and check it.  I seem to be losing all formatting when I'm doing a cut and paste.  I'm using firefox and this doesn't normally happen - but anyway, hopefully its readable and complete now and Chris will be able to figure out whether it refers to his pension or not.  Basically if it is tax exempt in the UK then there is a good chance it is in France too but the quotes above should clarify that for sure.

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[quote user="Chrisgod"]I receive my War Pension and a loss of or lowered standard of occupation benefit. This brings me in around £1000 per month and this is what myself and my wife of 56 years live on Sorry, exist on! [/quote]I took that as meaning this was his total income, Cathy - its just not very clear what the 'occupation benefit' is, but a war pensioner would normally have a forces pension and that is what the links I posted are about, among other things. 

I suppose there is always the chance that he chooses for him and his wife to 'exist' on this amount whilst having pots of money somewhere else, accruing huge interest income - but I didn't read it that way!

In any case, I don't think I've done any harm posting the information as it may be helpful to someone else in a similar position who might come across this thread later.  I haven't seen the links I posted anywhere else (I think things changed in the new convention) and so that's why I took the time to put that post together.

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Actually there was this discussion before http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/2/1309258/ShowPost.aspx#1309258 but a comparison with that thread shows that the section number has changed again and the UK law referenced has also changed, in the latest treaty, since Allanb confirmed to Maria the information about a SAP pension being exempt in both France and the UK back in 2008. 

That thread does highlight that there are lots of variations on the military pensions, including differentiation between whether it was received after a medical discharge or not as well as whether the injuries involved were attributable to service or not but I hope Chris will be able to figure it out for his case from the bits I cut and pasted.  Are you there, Chris, or have you decided its all too complicated and buried it again????

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[quote user="Debra"]Stan - note this bit and that you come under the 'above groups' which is why you will need to provide proof:


If you do not fall into one of the above groups but your income is no

higher than certain thresholds (which depend on family composition) then

you receive a reduction in the amount of tax that you need to pay.

The formula for calculating the reduction is complex but to

benefit in 2011 your income for 2010 cannot exceed €23,572 per year for a

single person and €34,586 for a couple, with further increases for


Broadly speaking, the tax authority will take your net income (revenu fiscal de référence) and then reduce this sum by an amount per 'household part', and the level of your taxe d'habitation is capped at 3.44% of this final reference figure.

Example: A couple with a net income of €15,000 and a local tax

liability before reduction of €500. Their net income figure receives an

abatement of €8,069 (for a couple), giving a figure of €6,931 as the

basis for determining the tax payable. The tax payable would then be

€6,931 x 3.44% = €238, giving a reduction of €262.

Normally, the above reductions and exemptions are

granted automatically by the tax authority on the basis of

information obtained from you annual income tax return. So you do not

need to apply to receive entitlement.

Those in receipt of Revenu de Solidarité Active (RSA) also normally receive complete exoneration from the both the taxe d'habitation and la redevance audiovisuelle.

Separately from the general rebates, local authorities also have

discretion to grant a rebate up to 15% to those on modest incomes,

provided the applicant meets the income limits above, and that the

rateable value of their home is not greater than 130% of the average for

the area.



My sincere apologies Debra... I have looked again at my tax d`habitation demand and see that it has indeed been reduced by 66%. Since this was my first tax d`habitation demand and thinking that I would receive an exoneration, I had not looked at it properly (having it thrown it in the "things to be paid" pile in disgust! (following on from my fonciere experience!)

Sorry about that.

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If he has his email notifying set on he'll receive every post in an email so he will have followed the discussion as it went on anyway and I don't think any of it has been unhelpful.  Its a complicated subject and I think its a useful thread to look back on for other people in a similar position.

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