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Panorama - UK Disability Allowance

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Should we look out for you?

I've been watching the thread on WFA elsewhere on here and the debate about whether or not it's fair that once you've left the UK you should be allowed to claim it.  By the same token, if you become disabled once you've left, there is no state help from anywhere.  The only reason I can think that this hasn't been ruled upon at European level is that there are just too few of us who are thus affected.

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There may be problems I don't know about for those under pensionable age, but the problems I encountered are about being over 65 when you become disabled, since the AAH is then no longer  the appropriate benefit.

Âge maximum

Le versement de l'AAH prend fin à partir de

l'âge minimum légal de départ à la retraite

en cas d'incapacité de 50 % à 79 %. À cet âge, le bénéficiaire bascule dans le régime de retraite pour inaptitude.

En cas d'incapacité d'au moins 80 %, une AAH

différentielle (c'est-à-dire une allocation mensuelle réduite) peut être

versée au-delà de l'âge minimum légal de départ à la retraite en

complément d'une retraite inférieure au minimum vieillesse.

I have a neighbour who has been given two benefits (the AAH and the 'aide à l'auronomie') after suffering from a brain tumour which has left her in a lot of difficulty. She is not French, but she is in her 40s. so it must in some way possible. On the other  hand it is intended to support people who might be able to work with its help which is why is stops at retirement.

As far as income is concerned

Ces ressources ne doivent pas dépasser un plafond annuel fixé à :

  • 9.119,75 €

     pour une personne seule,

  • 18.239,51 €

      pour une personne vivant en couple.

Ce plafond est majoré de  

4.559,87 €

  par enfant à charge.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Should we look out for you?

I've been watching the thread on WFA elsewhere on here and the debate about whether or not it's fair that once you've left the UK you should be allowed to claim it.  By the same token, if you become disabled once you've left, there is no state help from anywhere.  The only reason I can think that this hasn't been ruled upon at European level is that there are just too few of us who are thus affected.


[:D] No Coops, I am still waiting for my 15 minutes of TV fame. [;-)]

Very loosely it's about how they are determining if people are really fit to work, how they are 'tested' and whats really been happening. Won't effect those that are of official retirement age or above but could effect those that are not. I can't say too much until after it's shown.

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As far as I am aware, people over retirement age may be eligible to get the APA, but like just about everything in France it will be means tested....... on monthly income and on how handicapped the person is.


I have nothing against the french paying french residents, whoever they are. It seems right that they do. In all the time we lived in France we had to do as the french and get on with life there....... french rules.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
As I have mentioned, I go to a caravan site in Spain for a couple of months during the winter.

Out of approx 100 Brits on the site I know of 10 on disability allowance. However they all seem to be perfectly fit. One uses a walking stick but still manages to walk about in high heels and often forgets to use the walking stick to support herself. Another one goes for a 5 km walk every day but proudly announces she is on disability benefit. A young couple with no apparent disability( I see them every day) are both claiming benefit.

There are obviously genuine claimants but I have not come across a single one on that campsite. I suspect the situation is replicated on hundreds of campsites throughout Spain during the winter.
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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]As I have mentioned, I go to a caravan site in Spain for a couple of months during the winter. Out of approx 100 Brits on the site I know of 10 on disability allowance. However they all seem to be perfectly fit. One uses a walking stick but still manages to walk about in high heels and often forgets to use the walking stick to support herself. Another one goes for a 5 km walk every day but proudly announces she is on disability benefit. A young couple with no apparent disability( I see them every day) are both claiming benefit. There are obviously genuine claimants but I have not come across a single one on that campsite. I suspect the situation is replicated on hundreds of campsites throughout Spain during the winter.[/quote]

If they see this program they will be in for a shock. Back to England every 6 months, taken off disability allowance because the private company gets money for everyone they take off, off to appeal court and win, get the money cut given back by which time it's time for another assessment and guess what, they fail again. Round and round we go with the cost of the appeals running in to millions. When assessed they now have it down to just three questions, be careful how you answer. Now they are talking about assessing every three months so it's gong to cost your 'friends' a fortune going back and forth to the UK. Problem is as you will see in the program, the scroungers know all the answers so they go after the easy ones which normally means those that are genuinly disabled by try to 'carry on regardless' which is their downfall. The interviews already done run in to hours so it will be interesting to see what gets in to a 30min program.

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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]As I have mentioned, I go to a caravan site in Spain for a couple of months during the winter. Out of approx 100 Brits on the site I know of 10 on disability allowance. However they all seem to be perfectly fit. One uses a walking stick but still manages to walk about in high heels and often forgets to use the walking stick to support herself. Another one goes for a 5 km walk every day but proudly announces she is on disability benefit. A young couple with no apparent disability( I see them every day) are both claiming benefit. There are obviously genuine claimants but I have not come across a single one on that campsite. I suspect the situation is replicated on hundreds of campsites throughout Spain during the winter.[/quote]

If they see this program they will be in for a shock. Back to England every 6 months, taken off disability allowance because the private company gets money for everyone they take off, off to appeal court and win, get the money cut given back by which time it's time for another assessment and guess what, they fail again. Round and round we go with the cost of the appeals running in to millions. When assessed they now have it down to just three questions, be careful how you answer. Now they are talking about assessing every three months so it's gong to cost your 'friends' a fortune going back and forth to the UK. Problem is as you will see in the program, the scroungers know all the answers so they go after the easy ones which normally means those that are genuinly disabled by try to 'carry on regardless' which is their downfall. The interviews already done run in to hours so it will be interesting to see what gets in to a 30min program.

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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]As I have mentioned, I go to a caravan site in Spain for a couple of months during the winter. [/quote]

We used to do the same in the 90's and, whilst I cannot speak for the numbers involved, there were fit people (believe me I know what I'm talking about) who were quite proud that they'd managed to fool the system and were drawing what was then Incapacity Benefit.

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[quote user="Benjamin"][quote user="Boiling a frog"]As I have mentioned, I go to a caravan site in Spain for a couple of months during the winter. [/quote]

We used to do the same in the 90's and, whilst I cannot speak for the numbers involved, there were fit people (believe me I know what I'm talking about) who were quite proud that they'd managed to fool the system and were drawing what was then Incapacity Benefit.


A guy on another forum I frequent has had a questionnaire sent and has sent for a guide as to how to fill it in........
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