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schools in Locmine/Josselin area


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We have recently purchased a house in the Locmine/Josselin area of Brittany. We are seriously considering leaving the rat race here. One of our main concerns is the schooling for our 11 year old daughter and 8 year old son.
Does anyone have any knowledge of the schools in this area, public or private.
Would be grateful for any response.
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we have been between Locmine and Josselin near Radenac nowfor a year, with children aged 18, 16, 14 and 2. 18 year old is at uni in the uk, 16 year old went to a boarding public lycee in Rennes weekly, butnot a successso is returning to ukin september for A levels. However, 14 year old is in 4eme at public college, Yves Le Bec in Rohan and they have fallen overthemselves tohelp him settle in, as he had nofrench at all (having studied german). The head is a lovely lady, and he has had loads ofextra help from staff (who translated tests for him) surveillants in the playground who go out of theirway to talk to him and help him, other kids etc. He will have to redouble (as most english kids do)but heis understanding everything in french now and doing okayin the subjects he isstudying - they left out some of the non essentials in their opinion. He is quite a difficult boy, being shy, but I wouldrecommend theschool.
One drawback is thestrikes! Being public sector they dostrike. My friend (french) sends her kids to privee sectorschools. One is in St Jean Brevelayat college and she saysthat is verygood. Another friend has a son,similar age, atcollege in Locmine which she says isgood.
The local primary in Radenac isexcellent too. My little one, now 2 and a half, has started there in the Maternelle and likes it. He is picking upfrench quickly and the general ambiance isvery friendly and happy. I know an olderenglish child at the school who probably would be a good link for an eight year old starting there.
If you want any other information, get in touch on coetdevent@yahoo.com.
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